Sonic the Comic/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Full-Name Basis]]
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: Never a fighter, Porker loses his nerve entirely after being captured by the Metallixes, and he retires from the Freedom Fighters. Sonic never properly [[Quit Your Whining|forgives]] him - STC Sonic being what he is, it's probably out of guilt for letting it happen in the first place.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His name is a reference to the sitcom ''[[Parker Lewis Can't Lose]]''.
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Transplant]]: After his encounter with Metallix, Porker quits the Freedom Fighters and relocates to the Floating Island to study the ancient echidna civilisation and becomes an important supporting character for Knuckles as much as he is for Sonic.
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* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Teeth -Clenched Teamwork]]: With Espio.
=== Vector the Crocodile ===
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* [[Knight of Cerebus]]
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: To Sonic
* [[Wingding Eyes]]: His eyes are permanently spirals.
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* [[Karma Houdini]]: Despite the fact he played a fundamental role in Robotnik's schemes, designed and built most of the badniks, was entirely culpable for releasing Chaos and therefore {{spoiler|Johnny Lightfoot's death}} and (unlike Robotnik) has no excuse for his evil ways, Grimer strides out of the series scot-free and unrepentant, with a triumphant 'I quit!'.
* [[Not So Harmless]]: He's usually seen in Robotnik's shadow, carrying out his orders with obsequious alacrity or [[Cowardly Sidekick|nervous meekness]] as the situation demands. When Robotnik needs to be rescued, however, Grimer becomes a [[Chessmaster]] to be reckoned with. And at one point when Sonic is captured, he turns downright [[Torture Technician|scary]].
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Let's see... [[Evil Eyebrows]], [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]], [[Villainous Cheekbones]], [[Bald of Evil]] with what hair he has crafted into [[Spikes of Villainy]]. Somewhat balanced out by his [[Polite Villains Rude Heroes|good manners]] and natty little bowtie.
* [[Shout -Out]]: A character bio in one issue gave his surname as [[Lord of the Rings|Wormtongue]]. Writer Nigel Kitching subsequently clarified that this was added in by the editor, and isn't Grimer's surname in the story.
* [[The Watson]]: Robotnik often has to explain his plans in little bitesize pieces to Grimer, even when they are achingly simple.
* [[Yes -Man]]
=== Nack the Weasel ===
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* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]
* [[Evil Knockoff]]: An army of Sonic robots based on Metal Sonic in [[Sonic CD]] led by a large red Sonic robot that is based on Metal Sonic Kai in [[Knuckles Chaotix]].
* [[Ret -Gone]]: What they try to do to Robotnik.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: They tries to kill Nack when they have no need of him.
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* [[Made of Indestructium]]: His armour.
* [[Man in The Machine]]: He spends most of the series [[Clingy Costume|trapped]] in a suit of indestructible armour but unlike Shortfuse he chose to be a Cybernik.
* [[Species -Coded for Your Convenience]]: a brown rat verses a red squirrel. Who do you ''think'' is the villain?
* [[You Dirty Rat]]