Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: It's very rare, but there are times when he drops the corny jokes and carefree demeanor, and focuses on taking out the threat at hand.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Occasionally, he will stumble into this role.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Very much [[Made of Iron]] and one of the strongest and the fastest in Mobius, in contrast to his [[Fragile Speedster]] games incarnation.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Sonic's taken a lot of punishment over the years, but even after being beat down, he'll get right up and come back for more.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Sonic was prone to this in some of the earlier days of the comic, and it kept creeping in and out over the years. The most egregious example comes from the myriad ways the writers have abused his "Figure-8 Super Peel Out." He also fits trope due to his sizable amount of [[Super Form|Super Forms]] (see below).
* [[Not So Different]]: From characters like Knuckles, in that his own background is less that straightforward. The difference is that Sonic tends to take it all in stride.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Sonic basically grew up without parental influence. Eventually, the mobians turned into robots were freed of Robotnik's influence, and later most of them (saving Sonic's dad) were turned flesh again as well, and so he has since reunited with them, but the lack of supervision during his formative years causes Sonic's father some angst.
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* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Tended to do this when butting heads with Sally's father, and now more often thanks to the formation of the Council of Acorn.
* [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Issue 50 revealed his dad and uncle brought Julian Kintobor to King Max in the first place. That and they chased down a young Regina (the Iron Queen) sometime prior.
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Commented on in-universe: Mammoth Mogul has realized that for whatever reason, he can't beat Sonic, so he'll stay out of the way until Sonic dies. Eggman worked himself out of his insanity once he realized this, likening it to an unpredictable element in any experiment. He's rationalized that Sonic has ''become'' an element of chaos because of all the chaos energy he's been exposed to over the years.
* [[Super Form]]: There's the usual Super Sonic, but the comic has added a few others to the mix:
** Ultra Sonic: Attained by absorbing a large number of Power Rings, giving him [[Elemental Powers]] and a couple other [[Stock Super Powers]]. He also has the ability to transform into the following terrain based variants:<ref>Note that all three of these have only been seen once.</ref>
*** [[Playing Withwith Fire|Solar Sonic]]
*** [[An Ice Person|Polar Sonic]]
*** [[Green Thumb|Eco Sonic]]
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* [[Distressed Damsel]]: Like Amy, she is still a pivotal hero, but also one of the villains' favorite hostage choices.
* [[The Everyman|The Everygirl]]: Borderline example, despite her role as Princess, Sally is arguably the nearest to "normal" in terms of personality compared to most of her wackier comrades (her earlier depictions are slightly more pompous and clownish in their own right however).
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Foil]]: Largely to Sonic, her cautious and uptight personality contrasting Sonic's brash and reckless persona. [[Not So Different|Both share a similar arrogance and ego]] that only fuels their bickering more.
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* [[Teen Genius]]
* [[Tomboy Princess]]
* [[Too Clever Byby Half]]: While still highly intelligent in early issues, she had far greater superiority complex and arrogance that rivaled [[Ted Baxter|Sonic's]]. While this still appears every now and again, it is ''far'' more subtle.
* [[True-Blue Femininity]]
* [[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!]]: With Sonic.
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A [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|French and somewhat cowardly]] member of the Freedom Fighters who was, in the early days, a would-be rival to Sonic for Sally's affections (but strictly a [[Hopeless Suitor]]). Generally used as the bumbling, occasionally [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|overbearing]] comic relief, he eventually shed most of his jerkier traits and was allowed to [[Took a Level In Badass|take a level in badass]] when he stopped pursuing Sally and instead became involved with Bunnie. Antoine, like his father, wears the uniform of the Royal Guard, but like the other Freedom Fighters was too young to actually be a member before Robotnik's coup.
* [[Butt Monkey]]
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* [[Idiot Hero]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Bunnie, and his unrequited crush on Sally.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: At first.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Squee]]: In an issue of Sonic Universe, after having gone through most of the arc without a sword, he has the reaction "Eek! Un sabre!" when he's finally given one, complete with a little jump for joy. At the end of the arc, he mentions that he might start up a sword collection.
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* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: She hasn't given up on Sonic, but if Sally makes Sonic happy in the here and now, she'll support their relationship. It helps that she thinks Sally is [[Cool Big Sis|kinda cool.]]
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Amy and Sonic once again.
* [[Plot-Relevant Age-Up]]: Introduced as the eight-year-old Amy from [[Sonic CD]], she used a [[Applied Phlebotinum|magic ring]] to age herself to her modern design in time for the ''[[Sonic Adventure (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure]]'' tie-in. It was acknowledged early afterwards that despite that, she is still a child chronologically.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Pointy Ears]]
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* [[Furry Female Mane]]
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity]]
* [[Nanomachines]]
* [[Pinocchio Syndrome]]
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* [[Missing Mom]]
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: [[As You Know]], [[Can Not Tell a Lie|they cannot lie.]] Also, some look Eastern and some western, but they're still dragons and can mate.
* [[Remember the New Guy?]]: Though the comic does a better job explaining how the Freedom Fighters met her than SatAm did, she was still essentially introduced out of the blue this way.
== New Mobotropolis ==
=== Elias Acorn ===
Sally's brother, who was lost during the Great War and raised on the Floating Island. After being reunited with his family, he struggled under the weight of his responsibilities and eventually ran away from home. Nevertheless, after marrying his wife Megan, he returned to accept the crown. However, he soon found himself with new struggles, and was deposed as King by [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity|Ixis Naugus]].
* [[Cool Sword]]: The sword of Light, given to him by Sir Connery.
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Sonic's parents, once fighters in the Great War. Jules was the first victim of Charles' sabotaged roboticizer, which was meant to save his life but turned him into a slave of Robotnik. Bernie was also later roboticized. Both remained under Robotnik's control until his death in issue #50. Bernie was later returned to flesh along with the other roboticized citizens, but Jules remains a robot due to the fact that if he were restored, his old injuries would kill him. Both parents love and are proud of their son, but deeply regret not being able to be there for him when he was growing up.
* [[Depending Onon the Artist]]: While Jules has always been blue, Bernie's fur color has fluctuated from blue to purple over the years.
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Jules, who is the titular subject of "The Last Robian."
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* [[Colonel Badass]]: Amadeus is a veteran of the Great War and is the current commander of the Royal Army.
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead|Dark Furred Redhead]]: Rosemary
* [[Depending Onon the Artist]]: Rosemary has gone from looking like an older, feminine version of Tails, to her current, more distinctive red-haired appearance. Of course, now people say she looks too much like ''Sally''...
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Amadeus
* [[Happily Married]]
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Dylan, Hamlin, and Penelope's reasons for joining the council, as they didn't get much chance to make a difference when in the shadow of the other Freedom Fighters.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Platypi]]: Penelope
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]: Though they mean well, they've caused a lot of frustration for Sonic.
** Hamlin more so than the others, due to his frustration with the main characters, which results in him often making it different for Sonic and friends.
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* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: At first.
* [[Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal]]: Averted. He's one of the more fully clothed Mobians.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Perky Goth]]: Well, comparatively.
* [[Understanding Boyfriend]]: He tries to be, and has gotten a bit better at it.
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* [[Ascended Extra]] / [[Mythology Gag]]: Based off of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" band which were to be part of the Sound Test in the first Sonic game, but were later dropped.
* [[Cool Shades]]: Sharps.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Chickens]]: Sharps.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]]: Max.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Named in remembrance of the destroyed Knothole Village.
* [[Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy]]: Mach is boy, but colored pink.
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* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Averted. Big is pretty much one of the few denizens of Cat Country that aren't downright hostile.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Commuting Onon a Bus]]: Has been making infrequent appearances in the comic over the years, but has recently moved to the same area as the rest of the main cast.
* [[The Ditz]]
* [[The Fool]]
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* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Love At First Punch]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: After the death of both her mother, Mari-su, and Luger, the Grandmaster before Kragok, she was raised by a kindly Dark Legion couple who were ordered to keep the truth of her birth a secret.
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* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Acts this way towards Ray.
* [[The Big Guy]]: Not the largest one on the team, but he fills this role with his strength.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: Accquired his strength from Mammoth Mogul in order to save his parents, though he doesn't remember it.
* [[Gentle Giant]]: Again, not really a giant, but when you're as mild mannered as he is while still being able to tear metal like it's paper, Mighty definitely qualifies for this trope.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|Luckily My Shell Will Protect Me]]
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* [[Cool Hat]]
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: His flame breath was shown to be equal to Dulcy's in ''Battle Royale.'' Keep in mind that Ducly is a ''dragon'' many times his size.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[Telepathy]]
* [[Teleportation Tropes|Teleportation]]: Though he claims it's just elaborate smoke and mirrors.
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* [[The Archer]]: His [[Weapon of Choice]] is a wrist mounted crossbow.
* [[Australian Accent]]
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]: Has been known to wear a sharp-looking suit from time to time.
* [[Badass Normal]]: His skills come entirely from training. Until it's revealed he's an Ixis Wizard, that is. That said, Geoffery's combat skills aren't entirely reliant on magic.
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: Has gained shadow powers as a result of being Naugus' apprentice.
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=== Secret Service ===
* [[Action Bomb]]: [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Bomb.]]
* [[The Big Guy]]: Heavy.
* [[Cool Hat]]: Everyone wore berets, but Valdez was the only one who wore one originally.
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* [[Hollywood Cyborg]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Known Only By Their Nickname]]: His real name is Ken, though Sally tends to call him by his real name.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Again, prior to his [[Character Development]].
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Being controlled by the Iron Queen and used to destroy the other Dragon Kingdom Freedom Fighters.
* [[Sealed Good in Aa Can|Sealed Jerk Ass In a Can]]: Was imprisoned in some sort of "crypt" by Eggman after he proved too hard to control.
* [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]
* [[Simple Staff]]: His Atom Bat.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: To ''[[Journey to The West (Literature)|Journey to Thethe West]]'', in that he's a hot-headed monkey with a flying cloud and a powerful staff.
* [[Super Prototype]]
* [[Understanding Boyfriend]]: To Sally, when the two of them decide to break up. It really shows how far he's come.
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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Regularly used as a punching bag by Robotnik and often treated as a joke by the Freedom Fighters. Granted, as [[The Starscream|his true conniving traits have been shown]] both cases have come to be [[Not-So-Harmless Villain|a little more wary around him]].
* [[Characterization Marches On]]/[[Depending Onon the Writer]]: He went through a period as [[The Renfield]] and even a brief stint of [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villainy]] (which included a lot of [[Actually Pretty Funny|snickering at Sonic's jokes]]) before winding up as [[The Starscream]]. His competence has likewise varied from [[Bumbling Sidekick|nigh-useless]] to [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|smarter than his boss]].
** When Eggman managed an in-series [[Continuity Reboot]], he switched back to openly admiring his uncle.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: [[Meaningful Name|As you'd expect]].
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* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: He joined the good guys for a while before returning to Robotnik's side once again.
* [[Not So Different]]: Resents his abusive uncle and considers himself far more competent than him. Nevertheless when he finally gets a moment in power, he often becomes an incompetent [[Bad Boss]] similar to Robotnik.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: He was named after his father, who he hated, so he ''prefers'' to be called Snively despite its obviously derogatory connotation.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: With Hope.
* [[Servile Snarker]]: Often had back handed remarks to his Uncle Julian (albeit not to his face). Follows this trope more closely alongside his Eggman counterpart, who he seems far more impudant towards.
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* [[Physical God]]: As Enerjak.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Was kept perpetually young by his Chaos powers. When they were stolen, however, he aged rapidly, to the point that the only way to save him was to ''surgically remove his head'', and attach it to a life support system in a floating fish bowl.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: He spent several centuries buried under the rubble of his own fortress, and shortly after escaping from there, was launched into space for a while.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: To Finitevus during the events leading up to the "Enerjak Reborn" arc - he thought his power would be returned to him, but Finitevus was just using him to figure out how to turn someone else into Enerjak.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Was a pretty okay guy until he became Enerjak, at which point he completely lost it. Fortunately, his sanity was restored when he was [[De-Power|DePowered]].
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{{quote| Aw, is little Snivy-kins not getting the attention he needs?}}
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Initially a very minor henchman that gradually got much more of a role in the series.
* [[The Baroness]]: Sexpot kind. While Dmitri was in charge of the Dark Legion (before it became the Dark Egg Legion), her title was [[Those Wacky Nazis|"Kommissar"]], and she can sometimes be seen sporting a [[Whip It Good|whip]] to go with that [[Putting Onon the Reich|form-fitting black military uniform]].
* [[Cain and Abel]]: She, along with Kragok despised their younger sister and immediately set upon disposing of her (Lein Da in particular lingered over whether just to kill her instead). Interestingly, Lien Da herself was double crossed by Kragok out of power as Grandmaster, leading her to have played both roles of the trope.
* [[Control Freak]]: Actually has nothing against robbing the sentience of her clan to get them to follow her orders.
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
* [[Villain Exit Stage Left]]
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He believes that the world is corrupt, and that it needs to be "purified" - in other words, [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|destroyed]]. Though it's more [[Knight Templar]] if anything.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Not directly, but Knuckles holds him responsible for the death of his father Locke, since Locke killed himself in order to free Knuckles from Finitevus' control after Finitevus transformed him into Enerjak.
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* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Is, at least, ''12,000'' years old.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: Was briefly sealed in the Master Emerald when it was formed, and escaped when Eggman broke it to feed Chaos.
** He was also trapped inside his [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|own Chaos Emerald]] for a while.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Routinely mocked for this.
{{quote| '''Geoffery St. John:''' You said that all in one breath. You '''are''' a talker.}}
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* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: He pretty much never works for anyone unless he plans to take over their operation at some point down the road. In fact, it's even the reason he exists to begin with: the three original Ixis wizards specialized in land, air, and sea respectively, and collaborated to add fire to their repertoires, but ''all three'' tried to screw one another over to take all the power for themselves.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Mammoth Mogul, for a while. He got one of his own in Geoffrey.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: He has power over [[Dishing Out Dirt|the]] [[Playing Withwith Fire|four]] [[Making a Splash|classic]] [[Blow You Away|elements]], among [[Casting a Shadow|others]].
* [[Evil Mentor]]: To Geoffrey.
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]
* [[Hate Plague]]: He has the ability to amplify people's emotions - it's implied this was used to start the Great War between Mobians and [[Humans Byby Any Other Name|Overlanders]].
** Also almost caused a civil war between Mobians and Robians.
*** And more recently, he's been using this same magic to turn the people of New Mobotropolis against NICOLE.
* [[Hearing Voices]]: Since Eggman's mucking with reality in the ''Genesis'' arc, he's been haunted by the spirits of the wizards who formed him.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Especially after he regains his mind.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: Naugus spent years trapped in the Zone of Silence. He escaped and was resealed several times before escaping permanently.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Didn't do that well fighting the Battle Kukku.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: Used the aforementioned [[Hate Plague]] against Nicole to boost himself into having this in New Mobotropolis when he promised to dispose of her. He sealed the deal by defeating a giant Metal Sonic and saving New Mobotropolis.
=== Uma Arachnis / Arachne ===
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* [[Magitek]]: She can control the electrical impulses found in all active electronics and send him out at will. As you can imagine, she's quite dangerous to opponents who are partly or completely robotic.
* [[Noblewoman's Laugh]]: Even in print, it manages to be grating.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: In her original appearance she set Mount Stormtop on fire via magic.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: A backstory fleshes hers out -- she was born into a "[[Whatevermancy|technomancy]]" cult, and trained in Magitek as a child. She never knew she was doing anything illegal until they were all arrested and she was ultimately exiled, with no friends or any place to go, just as the great war was breaking out. She became a villain to claw her way back to power, restore her cult's status, and get revenge.
* [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]]: The statuesque Iron Queen dating the Four-foot tall Snively.
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* [[Badass Bandolier]]
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Mighty, among the Chaotix.
* [[I Fight for Thethe Strongest Side]]: Serves someone if they can prove themselves strong. This is what turned him from a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] into what he is today.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: He's a Guerilla Gorilla. Get it?
* [[The Power of Friendship|The Power Of Teamwork]]: A rare villainous example. He believes in the benefits of strong teammates.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Patch. In addition to impersonating the real Antoine, he tried to take over the Kingdom of Acorn by marrying Sally and poisoning King Max. [[Moral Event Horizon|Then he ended up causing the death of Antoine's father...]]
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: Again, Rosy the Rascal. Just. ''Rosy the Rascal.''
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: The entire group, with the exception of Miles, who sets himself apart from Tails by ''refusing'' to be referred to by his nickname.
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]: Miles is fond of these.
* [[The Starscream]]: The entire team to Scourge, but Miles most of all.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass Princess]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[I Work Alone]]
* Kuudere
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
=== Marine the Raccoon ===