Space Camp: Difference between revisions

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* [[Reed Richards Is Useless]]: Space Camp has a sentient, AI robot which is capable of bypassing failsafes to launch a shuttle, but NASA is still counting on the shuttle and mindless computers.
** Justiifed: its specifically mentioned in-dialogue that the robot is not used for space service both because it interprets commands too literally (which fact also drives ''the entire plot of the movie'') and because its circuitry is too delicate to actually survive the level of ionizing radiation in space, a design flaw they gave up on trying to fix after multiple failed attempts.
** Also [[Truth in Television]]: the total amount of computing power available from the Space Shuttle's onboard systems wouldn't add up to an iPhone. The electronic system on NASA spacecraft are ''unbelievably'' primitive by modern standards, for the simple reason that they are also unbelievably ''robust''. A program, or a CPU design, has to be out there in service for a long long time before they finally work out ''all'' the bugs, and since the first bug on a spacecraft is the one that will kill you, well, there you go.
* [[Robot Buddy]]: Take a guess.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Count all the ''[[Star Wars]]'' references.