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* [[Special Effects Failure]]: The movie's computer effects (The majority of which done by [[ILM]]) have not aged well since its 1997 release. Spawn's cape only appears when in use (either for dramatic effect or when he's actually using it), since it was extremely difficult to animate. Plus, <ref> Not done by ILM, but another company.</ref>'s mouth does not remotely follow the words he speaks, and Hell just looks like something out of a (sub-par, mind you) [[Pixar]] movie (an extremely ''dark'' Pixar movie for it to depict Hell, but still).
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: Clown, played with [[Large Ham|scenery-chewing gusto]] by John Leguizamo, steals the show in the movie.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Not so much in the comic (there's nothing IMPLIED''implied'' about any of it), but there is a case in [[The Movie]]. Spawn comes to his home to find his wife married to Terry and is lying in their yard, when Cyan comes to offer him some candy. It makes sense that they would grab their daughter and keep her away from the strange man, but its doesn't speak well of them that once they saw this man appeared to be a homeless burn victim in severe pain, their reaction was to call the cops rather than the paramedics.