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This sometimes works on a [[Powder Keg Crowd]] as well, but only if done before the violence breaks out. Once the riot starts, nobody's listening.
Occasionally subverted by having the mob stop in their tracks, hear out the speech... and then keep right on with what they were doing. When it works, almost guaranteed to be an instance of [[Verbal Judo]]. Compare [[Talking the Monster to Death]]. Sometimes rather than the hero giving the speech, it's a [[Character Witness]] or [[Zombie Advocate]]. If the speech is only meant to ''delay'' the mob rioting until [[The Cavalry]] arrive, the character is [[Holding the Floor]]. If a character points out the extreme danger of what they are doing, or if they demand that someone else do it, and the character shoves it back on them, and they stop, it's [[Who Will Bell the Cat?]].