Sprite Wars/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Men First]]: At one time he gave the men under his command a three day pass to relax while he had business to take care of.
* [[Permission to Speak Freely?]]: Asked this when a General acctually considered enlisting a young [[Magical Girl]] in the Liberators:
{{quote| '''Briano''': Permission to speak Freely Sir?<br />
'''Liberator General''': Go ahead Captain.<br />
'''Briano''': ...ARE YOU ON CRACK?! }}
{{spoiler|** Though in the end he has to accept it grudgingly, as the Magi-Tech the girl had would be dangerous in the wrong hands.}}
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* [[Nakama]]: Not only are her and her warriors this with each other, she and her Fire Warriors are this with the Liberators.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]: Whenever she speaks around non-Tau, she's seen as a mild form of this.
{{quote| '''Roach''': What the heck is she going on about?<br />
'''Ghost''': Damned if I know Roach. I doubt I know what she says half of the time.<br />
'''Yuna''': Commander Shadowsun sure has passion though. I kinda respect that. }}
* [[The Needs of the Many]]
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Both, but mostly for Roach. Aside from what he suffered through in the [[Modern Warfare 2|Game]] how he got introduced into the Sprite Wars Universe shows us he earned this name for a reason.
* [[She's Not My Girlfriend]]: Roach insists that he and Yuna are just "Colleges."
{{quote| '''Roach''': Dammit Ghost, don't go saying things like that, people will start getting the wrong idea! We're just Colleges and I like her is all.<br />
'''Ghost''': Ohhohohohohohoho so he says he likes her. I'll bet ya do mate.<br />
'''Roach''': DUDE! SHUT UP! }}