Kung Fu Panda 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Art Shift]]: The movie is primarily filmed in CG, but the opening prologue was shot in a style resembling metal shadow puppets, and Po's dreams and memories are animated traditionally.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Even though Po is now The Dragon Warrior, he still gushes like a kid about everything related to kung fu, even while being captured.
{{quote| '''Po:''' No way! Eight-point acupressure cuffs? Just like the ones that held Tai Lung! The more you move, the tighter they get... YAAH! (gets yanked to the ground) These are ''the'' best cuffs!}}
** Po still keeps his Furious Five action figures, too, even though he doesn't acknowledge that in front of his team mates.
{{quote| '''Po:''' I dunno what those are, never seem 'em before in my life... Dad, you got scratches on my [[Ship Tease|Tigress]]!}}
* [[Ash Face]]: Happens to Mantis when he tests a small amount of gunpowder.
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: Shen decides to blast everything in his path. {{spoiler|Ironically, that's [[Hoist by His Own Petard|how he meets his defeat]].}}
* [[Attack! Attack! Retreat! Retreat!]]: When the Furious Five attempt to bring down Shen's cannon factory.
{{quote| '''Monkey:''' ''(after dropping a dozen barrels of lit explosives)'' Here's your New Year's gift!<br />
'''Mantis:''' Hope you like it, 'cuz you can't return it!<br />
'''Tigress:''' ''(hears Po scream and sees him fighting Shen inside)'' Po!? What's he doing here?<br />
'''Monkey:''' Return it! Return it! ''(starts snuffing out the burning barrels)'' }}
** Also an amusing accidental [[Call Back]] to Shen's declaration of the start of the Year of the Peacock.
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** Which may be a [[Shout-Out]] to the wuxia film ''Hero'', which has a similar scene where two martial artists square off with a blind musician providing accompaniment.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Mantis' mother ate his dad's head before he was born, but he sees nothing strange in this since this is normal for his species. He even imagined himself dying like this.
{{quote| '''Mantis:''' I thought I'd meet a nice girl, settle down, and then she'd eat my head.}}
** Bonus points for him remarking how sad it is that he ''didn't'' get his head eaten.
* [[Break Them by Talking]]: When Po confronts Shen in the foundry, the peacock manages to gain the upper hand by claiming that Po's parents didn't love him and abandoned him.
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* [[The Cameo]]: Tai Lung, the villain of the first film, actually appears for a split-second during the flashback of Po's life up to the events of this film.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Pretty much everyone knew Po was adopted. Some like Tigress even showed signs of [[Sarcasm Mode]] when Po shares that fact.
{{quote| '''Po:''' I just found out that my dad isn't really my dad.<br />
'''Tigress:''' Your dad? The goose?... That must have been [[Deadpan Snarker|quite a shock]]. }}
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: Po and the Five have no problem busting into the jail where Masters Storming Ox and Croc are being kept. In fact, they actually have more trouble {{spoiler|convincing Ox and Croc to ''escape''.}}
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* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Master Shifu's water-catching technique in the beginning of the movie; {{spoiler|during the climax, Po uses it to ''catch cannonballs''.}}
** And a "throwaway" [[Chekhov's Gag|gag]] about Crane turns out to be one as well.
{{quote| '''Monkey:''' At the first sign of trouble, I'll give a signal: "Ca-caw, ca-kee!"<br />
'''Po:''' You mean like Crane does?<br />
'''Monkey:''' Yeah.<br />
'''Crane:''' 'Scuse me, when have I ''ever'' made that noise? }}
** ''(later)''
{{quote| '''Crane:''' Wings of Justice! Ca-caw!}}
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: As in the first film, gold is used to symbolize heroism, while red is used to symbolize power and/or violence (a rather ironic twist, as red is associated with love and positive emotions in China while gold is traditionally more associated with power). This is especially apparent in Po's last confrontation with Shen, with Po standing in golden sunlight and Shen standing in the red glow of a cannon. {{spoiler|A golden aura can also be seen around Po's mother when she makes her [[Heroic Sacrifice]] for him}}.
** Here's an example towards the end that might've gone by too fast for a few people: The cannonballs that Shen fires are red. {{spoiler|The cannonballs that Po catches turn gold.}}
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* [[Evil Tower of Ominousness]]: Shen's ancestral home and base of operations for the first part of the movie {{spoiler|until he destroys it trying to kill Po and the Five, who are all trapped inside.}}
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Even after crossing the [[Moral Event Horizon]] [[Up to Eleven|in the prologue]], Lord Shen seems like a pleasant enough fellow.
{{quote| '''Lord Shen:''' Good afternoon, gentlemen. Now, we've got the pleasantries out of the way. Please leave my house.<br />
'''Thundering Rhino:''' Your house?<br />
'''Lord Shen:''' Yes, didn't you see the peacock on the front door? }}
* [[Face Palm]]: Tigress does one of these upon seeing Po first using the goofy dragon costume during the Stealth Mode sequence.
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** Shen fully expected this to be Po's reason to come stop him. It's played for laughs when Po has no idea who Shen is or what he has done. Even in the end, Po seemed to mean no ill will against Shen.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Remember when Po asked Mr. Ping on where he came from, Mr. Ping said this:
{{quote| '''Mr.Ping''': Well, son. Baby geese come from little eggs. Now don't ask me where the egg comes from!}}
** Shen's talk about old and new has shades of [[Mao Ze Dong]]'s own beliefs, and was especially prominent during the [[Cultural Revolution]]. Yet, it appears to have been unnoticed by the Chinese censors.
* [[Grievous Harm with a Body]]: Part of Po and the Five's battling the wolf [[Mooks]] in the dragon costume involves hurling the last few victims (out the back end) into oncoming Mooks.
* [[Growling Gut]]: "My fist hungers for justice. ''*growl*'' That was my... fist."
* [[Ham-to-Ham Combat]]: Po and Shen's first scene together.
{{quote| '''Shen:''' The only reason you are still alive is that I find your stupidity[[Dramatic Ellipsis|...]]''mildly'' amusing.<br />
'''Po:''' [[Sarcasm Mode|Thank you]], but I find your evilness extremely ''annoying!'' <br />
'''Shen:''' Who do you think you are, panda? <br />
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* [[If I Wanted You Dead...]]: The soothsayer says this to Po after fixing him up.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: Shen does this briefly toward Tigress near the end of the movie {{spoiler|while she's chained up with the rest of the Five and Po is presumed dead.}}
{{quote| '''Shen:''' ''(leans in close to her face and strokes it)'' You are going to be part of something ''beautiful''.<br />
'''Tigress:''' ''(bares her teeth and growls at him)'' }}
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: Justified because the cannon are so heavy they [[Crowning Moment of Funny|can't swing to shoot Po quick enough]].
* [[I Surrender, Suckers]]: Po tries this to get into Shen's palace and destroy the weapon. {{spoiler|Ultimately works; unfortunately, Shen had more than one cannon.}}
* [[Indy Ploy]]: Po becomes a master of on-the-fly gambits in the sequel. [[Lampshaded]] at least once.
{{quote| '''Tigress:''' What's your plan?<br />
'''Po:''' Step 1, free the Five.<br />
'''Viper:''' What's Step 2?<br />
'''Po:''' To be honest, I didn't think I'd get this far. }}
* [[Jaw Drop]]: Twice by Crane, when Tigress first gives a [[Cooldown Hug]] to Po and when Po hugs Tigress near the end.
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* [[Last Villain Stand]]: {{spoiler|After Po destroys his entire armada and he's killed his own Dragon, [[Humiliation Conga|Shen is left with nothing]]. Po finds him on the ruins of his flagship in the middle of a [[Villainous BSOD]]. Po offers him a [[Last Second Chance]], but Shen ultimately rejects it (either by [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|not understanding]] or [[Suicide by Cop|just wanting to die]]) and does the one thing he'd spent the entire movie running from, fighting Po one on one with everything he's got}}.
* [[Laugh with Me]]: Shen and Po.
{{quote| '''Po:''' [[Lampshade Hanging|Why are we laughing?]]}}
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Shen, both in regards to chinese and western iconography, being white and red (the latter being the colour of love in chinese culture) as he is, not to mention him being a peacock (which is basically the animal that most resembles the chinese phoenix) and given what the possible readings of his name mean (神, "divinity", and 焴, "flame"). Although him being white feathered goes to [[Obviously Evil]] territory if you consider that white is the colour of '''death''' in most asian cultures.
* [[Look What I Can Do Now!]]: Po. In regards to the first movie.
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** A [[Chekhov's Skill]] if you take into account the [[Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness|TV]] [[Interquel|show]]. He's shown several times in that seeing a move once and being able to duplicate it.
* [[Meteor Move]]: Performed by Po on the Wolf Boss at the end of the Rickshaw Chase.
{{quote| '''Po:''' '''''Alaka-squasho!'''''}}
* [[Mickey Mousing]]: The first fight with the wolf pack certainly has a lot of action in sync to the music.
** Justified; the wolves are stealing musical instruments, and they keep getting struck during the fight, so naturally they sound in time with the action, as the action is happening to them. One musician [[Dissonant Serenity|also keeps playing while the battle goes on around him]].
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** Played straight in one case. He tells Po that he 'took away' his parents. {{spoiler|[[Justified Trope|Justified]] in that Po's father at least isn't dead.}}
* [[Nice Hat]]: Though not fancy or complicated in any way. Po's line preceding his gain of the hat should qualify. Also, it does look pretty cool up on that roof.
{{quote| '''Po:''' I am Po. And I'm gonna need a hat.}}
** It doubles as a [[Continuity Nod]] as well, since Po wore a similar hat in his kung fu dream from the first movie.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Had Po listened to Tigress and remained in the prison, the Five's idea of blowing Shen up alongside with his foundry would have worked without a hitch.}}
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** Played with as well, as the heroes thought there was only one cannon in existence and formed much of their plans on stopping Shen. Double on Po, who thought the tiny figurine was the actual weapon. {{spoiler|Shen then subverted this hard in both that the cannon in the room (while formidable as it can hit anything in the city) was just a diversion to protect his foundry and he was halfway done arming a whole armada of ships with them.}}
* [[Noodle Incident|Rice Incident]]:
{{quote| '''Tigress:''' I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water.<br />
'''Po:''' This plan's nothing like that plan.<br />
'''Tigress:''' How?<br />
'''Po:''' Because this plan will work. }}
* [[Oblivious Adoption]]: Confronted and answered. The ironic part is that Po already knew but his dad thought he didn't.
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* [[Smoke and Fire Factory]]: Shen's cannon foundry. Needless to say, [[No OSHA Compliance|there is no OSHA in ancient China]].
* [[Sorry I Left the BGM On]]: A self-explanatory case in the fight at the Musicians' Village. Po actually [[Invoked]] this.
{{quote| '''Po:''' Tell those musicians to start playing some action music, cuz it is ''on!''}}
* [[The Stinger]]: Surprisingly and sadly averted.
* [[Squee]]: Po, when meeting Masters Croc and Ox.
{{quote| '''Po:''' Master Ox? Master (''spots Master Croc'') [''[[GASP]]''] The ferocious Master Croc! And Master... Storming Ox! I can't believe we're rescuing actual legends of Kung Fu!}}
* [[Suicide by Cop]]: [[Subverted]] toward the end. {{spoiler|Lord Shen assumes Po wants this when he stands up in front of Shen's cannons, essentially a firing squad taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Po is only finding a firm place to stand so that he can deflect the cannonballs, but he might have anticipated that Shen would come to this conclusion. And with good reason, because if he can't pull this off, he really is dead}}. [[Darker and Edgier|...Dark.]]
* [[Super Sentai Stance]]: Parodied with the help of Po's clumsiness.
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* [[World of Funny Animals]]
* [[Worst Whatever Ever]]: Apparently to Shifu, not even Tai Lung's fall from grace compared to the day Po was chosen as Dragon Warrior. It did, however, help him achieve inner peace.
{{quote| '''Master Shifu:''' The day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior, was the worst day of my life. By far. [[Overly Long Gag|Nothing else came so close. It was the worst, most painful, mind-destroying, horrible moment I have ever experienced]].}}
** Well, there's letting your pride destroy your son and best pupil, and then there's a panda you consider extremely unworthy becoming what you always thought the aforementioned son/pupil would be, shoving your mistakes and failures in your face once again after years, twisting the knife in the wound. Given Shifu's past, it kinda makes sense that Po being chosen as Dragon Warrior was his worst moment ever.
* [[You Are Too Late]]: Po and the Five come to destroy Lord Shen's {{spoiler|cannon}} thinking he only built one, only to realize that they are far, far too late considering he's {{spoiler|already built a whole arsenal of them.}}