The Stepford Wives: Difference between revisions

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* [[Brainwashed]]: Some of the sequels had this as the method of creating the Wives/Husbands, instead of out-and-out replacement.
* [[Broken Record]]: In addition to the example under [[Foreshadowing]] below, there's also {{spoiler|the robot Bobbie after Joanna stabs her with a knife.}}
* ~[[Chekhov's Gun~]]: The word "archaic."
* [[Foreshadowing]]: "I'll just ''die'' if I don't get that recipe!" .... "I'll just ''die'' if I don't get that recipe!" ... [[Broken Record|"I'll just]] ''[[Broken Record|die]]'' [[Broken Record|if I don't get that recipe!"]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]: [[The Simpsons|Julie Kavner's]] character in ''Revenge''.
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* [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]]: Yes, there actually ''was'' a reality show about putting a married couple's relationship to the test by separating them on an island full of sexy people. And ''yes'' it was on Fox.
* [[Armor-Piercing Question]]:
{{quote| '''Joanna''': Let me ask you something. These machines. These Stepford Wives. Can they say "I love you"?<br />
'''Walter''': Mike?<br />
'''Mike''': Of course. In 58 languages.<br />
'''Joanna''': But do they ''mean'' it? }}
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]
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* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]: {{spoiler|What appears to be the villain's main motive for turning the women into robots.}}
* [[With or Without You]]
{{quote| '''Joanna Eberhart''': It's... It's not our world. It's not us. And I'm picking up our kids from camp right now, and we're getting out of here. With or without you. }}