Love, So Divine/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* This particular exchange when Bong-hee gets dumped by Jinho, Kyushik tries to explain to her that she kissed him while drunk, getting him in trouble. It was hilarious.
{{quote| "Do you have any idea how much trouble you got me in?"<br />
"What are you talking about?" Bong-hee walks away but Kyushik jumps in front of her.<br />
"-This morning..."<br />
"-This morning what?"<br />
"-The kiss!"<br />
"-With who?"<br />
Kyushik gestures, pointing to her and then pointing to himself, as if saying, ''"You kissed me."''<br />
Bong-hee gestures to him and to herself. ''"You kissed me?"'' Kyushik shakes his head and repeats his gesture, and then Bong-hee smacks him in the head with her purse. }}
* After Kyushik found out that {{spoiler|his senior and old friend has gotten engaged,}} Bong-hee sets out to comfort him. While driving together, She tells him she is taking him to her idea of "heaven." Kyushik fearfully fastens his seatbelt. Bong-hee scoffs at him.
* At the club, a worker called Kyushik "Mr. Matrix guy" and asked him if he wanted to meet some hot girls. He probably mistook him wearing his frock as a [[The Matrix|Neo cosplayer.]]
** Immediately after when Bong-hee picks a fight with 'Jinho,' Kyushik tries to mask her drunken behaviour.
{{quote| "She has a mental disorder. We will leave."}}
* After the sunbathing scene, Kyushik goes to confess to father Nam. At first, he tries to confess his hatred for a 'certain' individual. It turns into complaints about Bong-hee's behaviour.
{{quote| "She spreads the devil's words to heavenly children! ''Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit, fuck!''"<br />
"Bong-hee should confess. Not you." }}