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* [[Continuity Lock Out]]: Some new players who only play this game for the first time (and not ''[[Adventure Quest]]'') may have trouble defining who the ''AQ'' characters are.
* [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moments]]: In the "Gravity Anomaly" quest, the moment where you blow up the [[Bounty Hunter]] [[Star Wars|Arty Dedeux]]'s ship is particularly hilarious.
{{quote| '''Player:''' So, I'm just going to take off now and go tell everyone that if they don't do what you say that you'll blow up the universe, okay?<br />
'''Arty Dedeux:''' Well, that's generous of you. My 74NK's make good soldiers but aren't very articulate. I can use someone like you to spread my ultimatums!<br />
[...]<br />
'''Arty Dedeux:''' *whistles* Hahaha, I can't WAIT for the galaxy to pay tribute to me!!<br />
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Player returns with ship and prepares to blow up the place*<br />
'''Arty Dedeux:''' !!! What do you think you're doing?? You're supposed to go get everyone to do what I say!! }}
* [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks]]: Some fans complained when it turned out it would use the same gameplay and animation as ''[[Adventure Quest]]''.