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* In ''[[SSDD]]'', Michael knows that British Intelligence created something called the Echelon Plug-in; he was given a copy of it. Unfortunately, Michael is generally treated like a [[Butt Monkey]] and has been so locked out of the loop that he doesn't know what the Oracle is or that it even exists. Of the group trying to prevent the Oracle from gaining control, Michael is the only person who is not from the future, but nobody else listens to him, so they don't know about the existence of the Echelon Plug-in. {{spoiler|When they ''finally'' tell Michael what the Oracle is, Michael makes a comparison of the two programs and the others realize that the Oracle and Echelon Plug-in are ''one and the same''. In other words, the Oracle already exists in Michael's time, which explains a ''lot''.}}
* Antimony Carver, from ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]''. At the point of Chapter 33, she had enough information about {{spoiler|Jeanne, one of the Court's founders}}, whose information was [[Unperson|deliberately hidden or destroyed]]. This is even lampshaded at some point in Chapter 23 by Jones:
{{quote| ''"A lot of information about the origin of the Court has been lost or, in my opinion, deliberately hidden. If you have somehow come across information from that time, it could provide valuable insight. (...) However, such information is useless until properly investigated. When you feel you have uncovered the whole story, please, tell me about it."''}}
== [[Real Life]] ==