Beast Machines: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Cheetor:''' So what ''are'' we? Robots or animals?<br />
'''Optimus:''' Both...and neither. }}
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** The [[Fan Service|pose]] Blackarachnia takes while transforming ''has'' to be intentional.
** Rattrap gives us this little gem while arguing with Botanica:
{{quote| "Eh, sure beats the heck out of [[Innocent Innuendo|plowing your little field of dreams!]]"}}
* [[Hate Plague]]: The Maximals have some trouble with a mutation of the original.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Optimus slides further and further into fanaticism as the first season draws to a close. {{spoiler|And then subverts it awesomely.}}
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** Said {{spoiler|Optimal body, even expanded to massive proportions and supercharged with the sparks of the entire planet's population}}, is to slow and unwieldy for Megatron to stop Optimus from {{spoiler|plunging them both into the organic core with a well-placed energy blast. ''[[Death by Irony|Ouch.]]''}}
** Lest you forget the greatest one of all: {{spoiler|Megatron's [[Famous Last Words|Famous Last Word]]. Yes, it's a [[Big No]]}}.
{{quote| '''Megatron:''' {{spoiler|NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ''(Falls into the core and dies)''}}}}
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Rhinox/Tankor}} is fried in the season 2 premiere, {{spoiler|Noble}} is killed by Megatron, who also '' {{spoiler|devours}}'' several sparks in the same episode. Then, of course, we have {{spoiler|Optimus Primal and Megatron falling into Cybertron's organic core}} in the [[Grand Finale]]. As is appropriate, it's a ''huge'' [[Dying Moment of Awesome]] for {{spoiler|Optimus}}, as {{spoiler|Cybertron is reformatted}} as a result.
* [[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]: Optimus has an epic one.
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* [[Matrix Raining Code]]: Megatron appears as a hologram composed of this on several occasions in Season 2.
* [[Metaphor Is My Middle Name]]: The Vehicon Generals' introduction, after Blackarachnia called them "mindless drones":
{{quote| '''Jetstorm''': ''Only three things wrong with that little theory: One, we're not drones, two, we're not mindless, and three, '''[[Badass Boast|problem's my middle name]]'''.''}}
* [[Necessary Drawback]]: In combination with a Necessary Advantage. Their new technorganic robot forms give them weapons and advanced combat abilities, but Rattrap learns by accident that their beast forms shield them from the Vehicon sensors. Both forms were needed in order to survive.
* [[Never Say "Die"]]: Subverted. In the first few episodes this is played straight with replacements like "sparkless body" and "extinguished spark", but as the series progresses, death and dying are referred to directly more and more often.
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* [[Same Character but Different]]: ''The'' source of flack the series gets. Applies to pretty much the whole cast.
* [[Shout-Out]]: From "Revelations, Part 1", while attacking the others:
{{quote| '''Jetstorm''': ''All I need's a spider, and I've got the whole set. [[Pokémon|Gotta catch 'em all!]]''}}
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Ultimately subverted. Blackarachnia is the sole female character for the first season and half of the second, but is then joined by Botanica. Strika, a female Vehicon general appears an episode after Botanica makes her appearance.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: Jetstorm and Thrust, Strika and Obsidian.
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** At the end of season one, {{spoiler|Optimus}} calls upon the energies of Cybertron in a last-ditch attack against {{spoiler|Megatron}}, knowing full well that {{spoiler|everything mechanical on Cybertron will be annihilated.}} His response? "If this is the Will of the Matrix, so be it!" {{spoiler|Thankfully, the Allspark calls him out on it and allows him to redeem himself.}}
** The last half of Season 1 had Optimus and Cheetor at odds over pretty much every decision. Some arguments might have been forced, but in "End of the Line," Cheetor really lets Optimus have it over intending {{spoiler|to use the Plasma Energy Chamber to annihilate all machinery on Cybertron}} to stop Megatron.
{{quote| "You unleash this thing and you're no better than he is!"}}