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** Even bloodier sports are practiced in Aztlan, including modern-day Aztec Court Ball matches and deadly last-man-standing game shows like ''Suerte y Muerte''.
* Aside from the good old-fashioned Gladiator arenas found in many places, the ''[[Rifts]]'' setting includes a whole list of "Juicer" sports, played mostly by juicers ([[Psycho Serum|drug-induced]] supermen), and by those few who can keep up. This includes Deadball (a form of Handball where the ball in question randomly extrudes spikes), the Murderthon (was once won by a [[Mighty Glacier]] juicer who flattened everyone else as they passed), and Juicer Football. Juicer characters can actually take "deadball" as a weapon skill, and buy ''exploding'' deadballs for weapons.
* Games Workshop's ''[[Blood Bowl]]'' is a [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]-themed version of American football and rugby reimagined as a bloodsport that has replaced warfare in its alternate universe. Orcs, skaven and even undead field teams and are expected to try and maim their opponents to get ahead. Even sneaking a chainsaw onto the field isn't grounds for stopping the game.
* A theme deck from [[Magic: The Gathering|Magic The Gathering's]] ''Ravnica'' block was called ''Rakdos Bloodsports''.
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* [[Megarace]] is a gameshow of some sort involves racing with [[Jerk Jock]] racing gangs. What you do? blast them away with guns attached to your car, or take their postitions and put them into tension so that they can't keep it up go kaboom on their own.
* [[Grotesque Cute|Bloody cute]] as it is, [[Fat Princess]] features a few sport minigames such as soccer where people are literary killing each other on the field.
* ''Dead Ball Zone'' for the [[Play StationPlayStation]]. Just get this weapon and put that damn ball in the net.
* The [[X BoxXbox]] game ''[[Toxic Grind]]'', a game show meant to deal with outlaw offenders who break the "no extreme sports" law by putting them on a BMX, pumping them with a deadly toxin only counteracted by adrenaline and setting them loose on a death course (yes its as silly as it sounds).