Scooby-Doo (animation)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** That would mean Velma is Harvey Mudd and Daphne is Scripps, but what about the other three?
** Shaggy would be from Pitzer and Fred from CMC, so Scooby could be from Pomona. Honestly though, the last one doesn't seem a particularly strong fit. Can anybody do better?
*** The reasoning that one can apply to Scooby = Pomona is that each could be considered the best known of their respective groups. However, it is rather a stretch.
== The Scooby Gang are on a paid tour of enacted "mysteries". ==
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== All the monsters are real... ==
And ripping off their heads kills them. Shaggy and Scooby just perceive it as a mask being taken off. This is why, episode after episode, they keep thinking the current monster is real: It is. It's the insanity battling with the reality.
* We are watching the show through Shaggy and Scooby's own drug-induced influence! If this is the case, then the show from a true omniscient POV would be unsuitable for the [[Animation Age Ghetto]].
** Explains why music starts up [[Once an Episode]], and why doors act as teleporters. Or if that's accurate...
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== Velma has known everything since the beginning ==
She just runs away because she's not trained to fight against bulky guys. (That, and she can't see without her glasses, which makes them an [[Achilles' Heel]].) She told the others to solve mysteries, but she was the only one who was skeptical and knew what to do. [[Fanon Discontinuity|If we don't take the later shows into consideration]], she was the group's leader, but acted like the shy nerdy girl.
She also might have a [[Death Note]] hidden somewhere. It's rare to hear about or see a bitter criminal wanting revenge; she kills them as soon as they enter prison.
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...And in love with with each other for real. They're not [[The Beard]] for each other. Velma isn't a lesbian, she just hasn't met anyone she'd like, or everyone she meets turns out to be evil. (Ben Ravencroft anyone?) I know that this is a WMG bordering on insane since [[Sarcasm Mode|every knows that everyone on that show is homosexual.]]
The only person Velma's ever kissed was Scooby (''Pup'' episode) and in the movie "Camp Scare" she is repulsed when a camp ranger flirts with her. [[Scooby Doo Mystery Inc]] has her pining for Shaggy. So who knows?
== Scrappy's father is the dog fron [[Duck Hunt]] ==
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== Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders is an allegory for the Holocaust. ==
I was watching the movie earlier today and found the ending message of tolerance towards what you don't understand a bit confusing. They can't really mean tolerance towards aliens, can they? that won't be an issue for at least another century! Well maybe they mean tolerance towards other races/homosexuals, but that makes even less sense when one remembers that the good aliens weren't obvious at first and that they were in a heterosexual relationship with Shaggy and Scooby during the movie. So that leaves one final group: The Jews.
The rest began falling into place: The gang gets their car into a slump (Post-world war one economic downturn for Germany) and are led to believe that ugly green aliens are to blame (Jews with steriotypical jewish features and traits)and decide to help their new friends at Seti (Hitler and other heads of the Holocaust) find them before they can cause more problems (Representing the transition from German citizen into nazi soldiers). Along the way both Shaggy and Scooby meet Girls simelar to themselves whom they assume are from Earth (Germany) and court them, being them not interested much in finding the aliens (Carrying out Hitler's master plan) Meanwhile the other three try to dig deeper into the alien mystery (Carrying out the war) but are kept away from some sort of secret mountain(The camps) by MP's (The Gestapo). Wishing to get to the bottom of things, they sneak into the mountain(camp) and discover that the members of Seti (Hitler&Co.) are creating the false image of the green aliens (Evil jews) so that they may carry out their master plan: diggin up mountains of gold (Taking over the world and killing jews.) and that they paid off the MP's (Gestapo) to do their bidding.
The game steps in to stop them, but their machinery (Economic/political) power is too great. So in step two mysterious outsiders to stop them: both aliens (Jews) at first the gang is horrified, but then they come to realize that these aliens (Jews) are Shaggy and Scooby Doo's girlfriends. At this they stand togeather and turn in the thieves (Overturn the rule of the Nazi party). And though whatever anti-extraterrestrial (anti-semitic) has been done has been undone, the Benevolent aliens (The reality of jews; normal, un-evil people) realize that Earth (Germany) is no longer a good place for them and that they should return to where they belong: Their home planet (Isreal).
Ok, first off I'm not anti-semitic, this is just an allegory, and second this is a WMG, who cares?
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Here's my theory: All of the kids are really dead, Scooby is a demon tasked with watching over them while they work at solving "mysteries" to make up for their past crimes, which are:
Fred: A bullying, womanizing sociopath in life. Explains his [[Jerkass|pushy, overbearing attitude]] and his constant insistence on solving the next mystery. He still hasn't learned his lesson and is only wanting to finish his punishment as easily and quickly as possible. An egotist, he postures himself as the leader despite his flawed plans.
Daphne: A vain woman who used her body to get what she wanted, very promiscuous and [[Alpha Bitch|obsessed with fashion and social hierarchy]], sometimes to the point that it clouds her better judgement. Seeing Fred as the strongest and with the most power, she placates him with sex in order to curry favor with him, which is why they're usually seen going off together.
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Velma: An introverted bookworm [[Loners Are Freaks|who gave more attention to her studies than she did to friends and family]] and purposely isolated herself from the outside world. Mixed with what she once considered "common riffraff", she must learn to cooperate and build relationships with other humans if she ever hopes to ascend to a higher plane.
Shaggy: A junkie who died of a drug overdose. He has formed a bond with Scooby after introducing him to marijuana(among other possible drugs) and, though he hasn't learned his lesson in the least, has inadvertently provided the rest of the gang with the semi-freedom they enjoy. Because he is high all the time, he's the only one who doesn't notice that Scooby isn't nearly as afraid of everything as he would have the gang believe.
Scooby Doo: A high-level demon who keeps watch over the four kids, ensuring that they each learn their lesson and refuses to release them until they do. Shaggy has gotten close to him by introducing him to drugs, and as such Scooby has loosened his grip on their leash quite a bit, allowing them luxuries they wouldn't have normally had otherwise(like staying in hotels and going to barnyard dances). Should they get to comfortable in one place, however, the goofy and lovable act will quickly fade as a much more aggressive side becomes more prominent. He may secretly care about the group, but they all see him as a horrible monster that they must fight to one day escape.
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== Scooby thinks that he's the reason the oddballs in the costumes are chasing the Gang. ==
Every so often, Fred or Velma will ask Scooby to act as a sort of bloodhound and get him to pick up the scent of the petty felon in the mask messing with them; the problem is that they tend to be hazy on the fact that Scooby can't turn his sense of smell on or off like a machine. Like any other of his senses, it's on twenty-four/seven; that means that the costumes can't and don't keep him from knowing who the crook in the suit is. To him, it's just another suit of clothing that the person happens to be wearing; since people know that he can speak English, he thinks that his ability to identify the malefactor du jour is a source of danger to the teenagers that happen to be in his vicinity. He only feigns a belief in monsters so that the gang doesn't realize this and put themselves in harm's way trying to protect him.
== Scrappy's family doesn't want him either ==