Brütal Legend/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Faction Calculus]]: Balanced.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Ironheade has fast units that lack high health. Metal Beasts, Fire Barons, and Raptor Elks.
* [[Guys Smash, Girls Shoot]]
* [[Heavy Mithril]]: Brought to life.
* [[Hell-Bent for Leather]]
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* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Lita is probably the most busty female in the game (with the only possible exception being Rima) and she is also the female character whose fighting style is most reliant upon physical strength.
* [[Character Development]]: {{spoiler|At the start of the game, Lita distrusts pretty much everybody except for Lars. Following Lars' death she slowly becomes more trusting towards the other members of Ironheade. Finally, during the game's ending she admits that she was wrong to be so distrustful of others.}}
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Lita's outfit includes a pair of high-heeled leather boots.
* [[Commander Contrarian]]: Lita, do you think you could stop criticizing everything and everyone for ''five minutes?''
* [[The Complainer Is Always Wrong]]: {{spoiler|She acts vindicated when the Drowning Doom are revealed to be led by Drowned Ophelia, but it turns out she and Eddie are to blame for her [[Face Heel Turn]].}}
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* [[Christmas Cake]]
* [[Ho Yay|Les Yay]]: Try Double Teaming with her. She loves it.
* [[Standard Status Effects]]: Slowing enemies. Taken to the extreme in a Drowning Doom mirror match, it's possible for one player with three Brides to steal the other's three Brides, in which case one player will have six. The victim's side becomes practically frozen in place, to the point a flying Hero Unit can die before they ever hit the ground.
* [[The Undead]]
* [[Woman Scorned]]: Leave ME at the altar will you?!
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* [[People Puppets]]: The Organist can literally extend puppet strings to steal any unit.
* [[Standard Status Effects]]: Attack debuff to nearby enemies.
* [[Stringy -Haired Ghost Girl|Stringy Haired Ghost Man]]
* [[Useless Useful Spell]]: The double team. It prevents your avatar from doing a more powerful double team, the vehicle is always nearby the possessee, and of course you can't double team with the possessee because it's the organist in doing the possession. Their attack debuff remains useful, however.
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* [[Poisonous Person]]
* [[The Pornomancer]]: "My seed...germinates within you!"
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: '''I-AM-YOUR-EMPEROR!'''
* [[Really Gets Around]]: He fathered his entire army.
* [[Rock Me, Asmodeus]]
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* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: If they dominatrices die, he commits suicide.
* [[Human Pincushion]]: The Pinboy pins are ammo for Doviculus to throw during the Double Team.
* [[Human Shield]]: The Pinboy serves is meat shield for the Dominatrices.
* [[Ludicrous Gibs]]: Pinboy doesn't so much as die as violently explode into chunks.
* [[Modest Orgasm]]: Trying playing a solo near them.
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* [[Church Militant]]
* [[Corrupt Church]]
* [[Humongous Mecha]]
* [[Mister Seahorse]]
* [[Mook Maker|Mook Maker Maker Maker]]: Can create a chain of tier 3 units via Superior Warfather and Divine Battle Nun.
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'''Bleeding Death'''
{{quote|''[[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|LAUNCH THE SUFFERING!]]''}}
A combination of the final Tainted Coil unit and final attack, it is violently stuffed into an iron maiden and then launched anywhere on the battlefield, where it goes on a rampage, refusing to follow orders until it slowly bleeds to death.
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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|General Lionwhyte dies because he tries to avoid being crushed by a giant falling mirror by shattering it with his voice...leading to him being impaled on the falling shards of glass instead.}}
* [[Large Ham]]: Did we mention the statues of himself?
* [[Les Collaborateurs]]
* [[Make Me Wanna Shout]]: General Lionwhyte never misses an opportunity to do this. He even possesses a sonic yell that can shatter glass. {{spoiler|Creating his [[Karmic Death]], naturally.}}
* [[Metal Scream]]: Has all the same basic powers as Eddie, but uses high pitches singing to perform them.