Holding Out for a Hero: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Where have all the good men gone
''and where are all the gods?
''Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? (...)
''I need a hero! I'm [[Trope Namer|holding out for a hero]] till the end of the night<br />
I need a hero!
he''He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast<br />
I'm [[Trope Namer|holding out for a hero]] till the end of the night<br />
and''And he's gotta be fresh from the fight''|'''Bonnie Tyler''', [[Jim Steinman|"Holding Out for a Hero"]]}}
he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast<br />
and he's gotta be fresh from the fight''|'''Bonnie Tyler''', "Holding Out for a Hero"}}
The crime rate in the [[City of Adventure]] is on the rise due to a new [[The Syndicate|criminal syndicate]] in town. Should people vote for more police funding and work in improving inner city economics so that fewer people turn to crime? No. [[Somebody Else's Problem|Why should they]]? A Hero will take care of it.
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Perhaps you [[I Thought It Meant|were looking for]] the trope called [[Big Damn Heroes]]. (Wherein the premise is played straight and the [[Hero]] ''is'' in fact the only person who can save the day.)
== Anime and Manga ==
* Arguably, the [[Aesop]] of ''[[Gundam Wing]] [[The Movie|Endless Waltz]]'' is "Don't wait for the heroes, do it yourself", a point emphasized by [[Rebellious Princess|Relena]] abandoning her stance of [[Actual Pacifist|Total Pacifism]] to encourage the [[Muggles|civilians]] to stand up to the invading army, and by [[Dark Chick|Dorothy Catalonia]]'s rather effective [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|Reason You Suck Speech]] to them when they still don't grasp what Relena was telling them.
{{quote|'''Man:''' Shut your mouth, lady! You're looking at a man who shot down five mobile suits in the war a year ago!
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* Happens briefly in ''[[Order of the Stick]]''. After the city is overrun by hobgoblins, several of the fleeing soldiers accidentally become aware of the elf wizard who had fought alongside them also fleeing the invading army under a spell of invisibility. These soldiers actually stop their retreat and proceed to bombard the elf with demands to save them, turn them invisible, teleport them out of there, blast the hobgoblins, anything. Unfortunately for them, said wizard is completely out of spells by this point and can only watch as they are slaughtered by the hobgoblins.
* In ''[[Dubious Company]]'', [[Living MacGuffin|Sal]] plays this straight since she has the [[Born Lucky|favor]] of a [[Random Number God|god]] and [[Designated Victim|1,025 kidnappings]] to justify it before meeting the pirates. She and the pirates then become accustomed to [[Ninja|Tiren]] saving them, until they all get captured. Once they realize the severity of [[Human Sacrifice|Kreedor's plan]] for Sal, the rest of the crew are forced to [[Took a Level In Badass|pull their weight]].
{{quote|Walter: We've still got Tiren! (Cut to Tiren [[Properly Paranoid|chained up, in stocks, from a suspended metal box in a separate cell]].)<br />
Tiren: My nose itches. }}