"Stop Having Fun!" Guys: Difference between revisions

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* The only legal methods of input for ''[[Touhou]]'' are arcade sticks and keyboards. Even if you can't afford a stick, you are not allowed to play using a pad, even if it's a reputable pad like the ones for the Sega Saturn and the SNES.
* [[Nostalgia Filter|Games from the SNES era and earlier are the only games you should ever be playing]]. [[It's Popular, Now It Sucks|Everything else is far too casual]].
** Well, in general, anyways.
* Admit to struggling with ''[[Thunder Force]] III'' or ''IV'', and fellow shmup players will brag about how impossibly easy they are and how it only takes 1 or 2 attempts to 1-credit the whole game.
* Not directly related to this trope, but [http://my.opera.com/TheEve/albums/showpic.dml?album=630163&picture=8614700 this picture] takes it to a literal level.
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"I just beat you with it."
"It's still horrible."}}
** As a contrast to the above points, ''Magic: the Gathering'' can also be played in Limited formats. In such a circumstance, you have less choice about what cards to put into your deck and it is independent of how much money you have. You cannot fill your deck with foreign language cards for "variation", it is difficult to fill your deck with only "good" rares (since most of the cards you will draft will probably be common cards). about "if any card that costs four or more mana doesn't win the game for you on the spot, it should never even be put in your deck", well you won't always be given that choice so a player who "plays always to win" at Limited will need different strategies.
* Try playing most card games for fun. Some, like Texas Hold'em (and other forms of Poker), get this treatment more so than others. People also insult you for not playing the game correctly. Which is ironic, considering that, for the most part, the people being insulted are effectively ''handing out free money'' to the people who hate them; insulting opposing poker players for perceived mistakes can be a huge part of the [[Meta Game]].
** However, poker games do not even necessarily have to be played for money. Tournament-style games needn't be played for anything at all (although usually still are played for money and/or trophies); cash-games (a.k.a. ring-games) must be played using resources outside of the game to bet, which is usually money, but you can use paperclips or your blood or whatever you own if you wish to enter such a game.