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** The episode of DBZ in which Goku and Piccolo learn how to drive, in particular.
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie]]'', sort of. While actually considered pretty good by a surprising number of fans, it has zero relation whatsoever to any other expanded media, or even the [[Sonic the Hedgehog|games]] (besides the characters) and [[Poorly-Disguised Pilot|might have meant to have been part of a series]]. We'll never really know.
* Heck, ''[[Bobobobo Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo]]'' is a Big Lipped Alligator ''Series'', with special mention going to the episode in which Dengaku Man is launched up Bo-Bobo's rear end to form a [[Magical Girl]], who then subdues her enemy by [[Magic Music|singing]]. It was so nice they did it twice, though with a ''picture book'' instead of singing.
** Not only that, there are [[Meta]]-BLAMs, when there are scenes that can be considered BLAMs even within the context of the [[BLAM Episode|BLAM episodes]]. For instance, during a pointless scene where Bo-bobo is riding a kiddy train ride at an amusement park, a giant baby bursts out of a tunnel, smacks some monkeys, and crawls away without ever being mentioned again.
* The original ''[[Tenchi Muyo!]]'' TV series made some waves at the time of its original broadcast by taking a couple of weeks off from the storyline to air a series of "alternate-universe" vignettes starring the main characters in very different settings (one of which actually [[Spin-Off|spun off]] into [[Pretty Sammy|its own franchise]]). Definitely the first time this trope had ever been used in anime, and possibly a first for Japanese television as a whole!
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* May we present to you the ''[[Zatch Bell]]'' [[Manga]], [ chapter 277]. Context will only make it ''worse''.
* ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei]]'' ''is'' a [[Gag Series]], but a few instances stand out. The first episode of the second series has its own [[Gag Sub]] with the characters speaking gibberish. There's the time that Harumi [[No Fourth Wall|listens to an episode of ''SayonaraZetsubouSensei'' on the radio]] which can be heard indistinctly in the background, and most of all, the instance where Chiri [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|becomes a giantess]] and fights off an alien invasion.
* ''[[Darker Thanthan Black]]'' [[Manga]] (Jet Black Flower) has... Gate Kitchen Battle.
{{quote|'''[[Playboy Bunny|The announcer]]''': Which team will please the palate of Hei-san, the [[Big Eater|Voracious]] Masked King?<br />
'''Hei''': How the hell did this happen?<br />
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* The ''second'' episode of ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]] 2nd Gig'' focuses on a one-off character, a pilot named Gino, who plans on assassinating one of his most recent clients. The whole episode is something of a [[Mind Screw]], since it tends to flash in and out of Gino's fantasies about doing so. The only recurring characters who appear are Major and Batou, who only appear in rather minor roles that are, to add to the weirdness, totally different from who they are. At the end, it's revealed to be something of a sting to determine whether or not Gino would actually go through with the assassination. They just say he would never do it, the episode ends, and the whole thing is never mentioned again. The entire thing is a [[Whole-Plot Reference]] to ''[[Taxi Driver]]''.
* ''[[Inazuma Eleven]]'' episode 100. Hiroto and Kogure get lost in the woods, and are challenged to a match by a pair of Kappas, no character development happens, no new techniques are learned, and it's only mentioned in a blink and you miss it scene during a flashback.
* An [[Deleted Scene|unaired episode]] of ''[[Angel Beats!]]'' has most of the cast [[World of Ham|transform into crazed hyper-hams]] who [[Up to Eleven|seem impossibly over-the-top even compared to their normal hammy personalities]]. They continue to [[Serial Escalation|top each other and become more and more obnoxious and hyperactive]] throughout the episode, and eventually (though somewhat spontaneously) wear themselves out. And...that's pretty much it. The episode was never broadcast, so, of course, none of the insanity that happens in it is ever brought up in any other episode, even though it clearly takes place sometime in the middle of the main plot.
** Though it was all part of an operation that Yurippe came up with, so it's not like there was no reason for it. Though the episode did run completely on [[Rule of Funny]].
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** J Michael Straczynski has offered to personally apologise to every fan who complains directly to him about the episode, citing it as the bastard offspring of an unholy trinity of Author Brianfart, [[Executive Meddling]], and Ran Out Of Time & Money.
** However, despite half the episode being ridiculous and brain haemorrhage-inducing, the B-[[Plot]] is incredibly important to the [[Myth Arc]]: {{spoiler|Delenn becomes the Entil'zha, while Neroon realises that he'll never win the allegiance of the Rangers like Delenn has, leading to the start of his [[Heel Face Turn]]}}.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]''. "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S3 E4/E04 The Daleks Master Plan|The Feast of Steven]]", episode 7 of ''The Daleks' Master Plan''. Our heroes have a chase through Twenties Hollywood, get arrested by police in the 1960s, and end up [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]].
** And then there's ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S2 E8/E08 The Chase|The Chase]]'', arguably the silliest Dalek story ever, full of [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?|crack]].
** Oh, and 30th anniversary charity special "Dimensions in Time".
** Also ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S6 E2/E02 The Mind Robber|The Mind Robber]]'', in which the TARDIS materialises outside reality and then explodes, and the characters find themselves randomly interacting with fictional characters.
* The ''[[Honey I Shrunk the Kids (TV series)|Honey I Shrunk the Kids]]'' episode "Honey, I'm Spooked". It involves the spirit of a pint-sized clown showing up and weird things happening to the Szalinskis, such as turning Nick into a ficus and Diane regressing into childhood.
* The ''[[Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps]]'' episode "When Janet Killed Jonny" is one of these. It is an episode set outside of the main continuity, and is a "horror special", featuring many parodies of the horror genre (although it does contain many moments of [[Nightmare Fuel]], in a [[Mood Whiplash|deviation from the show's usual formula]]). The episode features the cast breaking into the deserted Archer pub to drink the leftover beer, only to fall victim to the previously unmentioned "pub curse", which causes them to be "killed by the thing they love the most". As a result, the entire cast is killed off in an assortment of highly gruesome ways, only to later return as zombies.
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* Episode 200 of ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', which [[Word of God]] states is out of continuity.
** "[[Groundhog Day Loop|Window of Opportunity]]" also counts. Golfing through the Stargate, resigning to kiss someone of a lower rank, ''cycling through the tunnels of the base with a bicycle bell''...
* The ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' [[Musical Episode]] "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S6 E7/E07 Once More, With Feeling|Once More With Feeling]]" is a bizarre case of a BLAM episode that '''''is''''' based on an utterly ridiculous premise, '''''is''''' important to the season's major story arcs and remains one of '''''the''''' most loved episodes of the entire series, like a [[Bizarro Episode]] and [[Wham! Episode]] mixed together.
** The season 4 finale, "Restless", starts like this. Eventually what's going on is clarified, as well as the fact that it contains large amounts of [[Foreshadowing]].
** "Superstar". Season 4, ep 17.