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** He loves to describe how "if only he knew" what fantastically lethal enemy awaited him, he would freeze/run away as fast as possible, and frak whoever's around/[[Just Eat Gilligan|just shoot the character about to get him in trouble]], while proceeding to do the exact opposite. Even [[Literary Agent Hypothesis|Amberley]] isn't sure how serious he is sometimes.
* Derided in the [[Ogden Nash]] poem "Don't Guess, Let Me Tell You."
* In ''[[Angels and& Demons]]'', when Robert Langdon hears in passing a factoid about how a reasonably small piece of cloth can significantly reduce an object's falling speed, he remarks (in narration) that he didn't then realize this information would later save his life. The payoff doesn't come 'til near the end of the book, when the reader has probably forgotten it.
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