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* ''[[The World Ends With You]]'' has Shiki Misaki constantly carrying around Mr. Mew. Justified because it also functions as her weapon. ''TWEWY'' is full of [[Improbable Weapon User|Improbable Weapon Users]].
** Further, when {{spoiler|she debarks for the RG ([[Kick the Dog|or so she thinks]])}}, she tells Neku that she'll have Mr. Mew with her, because {{spoiler|she was borrowing her best friend Eri's image for the Game, and he wouldn't be able to identify her otherwise}}.
* Young Deimos Bededora in [[Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits]] carries around a stuffed rabbit which also serves as her attack weapon. It obviously does little damage since her real battle method is that of a [[Marionette Master]].
* In [[Dead Rising 2]] Chuck can bring back giant stuffed animals for his daughter.
* Lulu carries one in ''[[Final Fantasy X]],'' but she uses it to focus her magic attacks.
* Not even badass [[Dark Action Girl|Dark Action Girls]] who [[Professional Killer|make a business in]] [[Vigilante Man|gunning down the scum of society]] are immune. As revealed in the ''[[Anaksha Female Assassin]]'' Mini-Adventures, Anaksha absolutely ''adores'' stuffed chimps, and you can find one in every Mini-Adventure. It isn't necessary to finish the game, but it's sure nice for that [[Hundred-Percent100% Completion]].