Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Difference between revisions

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* During the a sell of a Virgin Mobile package, the company decided to make some commercials of a woman stalking a man. [ In the commercials, the actress acts crazy and creepy.] Rightfully, men started to complain and the commercials were removed from most stations. Of course, if the situation was reversed, the commercials would have never been given the green light in the first place.
* Eaton's department stores in the 1990s advertised their new "female focus" with a commercial in which a wife kept her husband literally ''chained to the kitchen sink''. The ad was deemed so offensively misandrist that it was pulled less than a month after its release - a real life subversion.
* "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" was the slogan on a tee-shirt marketed by the David and Goliath tee-shirt company. Eventually, a very public controversy resulted in the shirts being removed from many stores. To show how pervasive this Trope is, many people supported the sale of the shirts, including a professor at the University of Illinois who said she thought it served as revenge for boys' (assumed) bullying.
* There's a new, rather weird example for "Five Hour Energy." In short, a guy used to sleep later than his girlfriend (wife?), who used the time he was sleeping to work out. Then he started using Five Hour Energy and decides he'll start working out with her. For no adequately explained reason, she now hates him. He mentions that they're not on speaking terms and at the end of the commercial, she throws what looks to be a shirt in his face. Once again, it's not entirely clear why she's so angry, making it look like she's just a little unstable.
** It also causes you to wonder how this is supposed to make the product appealing to potential customers.