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** Mercedes' performance of "Sweet Transvestite". Some fans think she brought the house down. Others wish a house would be brought down ''on'' her for ruining it. There is very little middle ground.
** Over Artie's relationship with Brittany, and whether the show has done enough to develop it beyond a [[Crack Pairing]]. Some think they are quite sweet together, while others think that it's still just a lazy attempt at [[Pair the Spares]]. And that's not even getting into what the [[Yuri Fan|Brittana shippers]] [[Die for Our Ship|have to say about it]]...
** There is something of a battle over Kurt's portrayal. His [[Camp Gay]] persona is quite controversial: as the show is so popular, many believe that it gives a bad representation of gays to the mainstream as [[Will and Grace]] did years ago. Others believe that having an openly gay character who is neither [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]] nor the least bit ashamed is a good thing.
** The [[Gay Aesop|Gay Aesops]] of Season 2 also came under fire. There was either too many making them [[Anvilicious]] or it was perfectly justified since [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]].
** There's been a huge debate already on the scene in "Mash-Off" where {{spoiler|Finn outs Santana}} in response to her incessant teasing. Some say that Santana backed Finn into a corner and so it was only human that he would lash out with the only thing that would make Santana stop. Others say that as awful as Santana was, {{spoiler|outing her}} for that is [[Disproportionate Retribution]] and never, ever justifiable. Then there's the middle-ground, where they admit that what Finn did was completely wrong but he can't have anticipated where it would lead (to the {{spoiler|political ad that uses her lesbianism to bash Sue}}). It gets ugly no matter which position you take.
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** As of season 3, Santana is no longer just the promiscuous [[Spicy Latina]], the other minority characters have been developed beyond racial stereotypes - Mercedes is still primarily the [[Sassy Black Woman]] and Mike and Tina seem to exist just to make Asian jokes. Even Mike's larger season 3 plot is rooted in Asian stereotypes about overly strict parents who push their kids to become doctors.
*** Somewhat justified, as Mike’s father pushed him because his own mother wanted to escape poverty.
** Many feel that Glee's supposed "progressiveness" in its treatment of gays is undermined by the fact that its two main gay male characters, Kurt and Blaine, are built on [[Camp Gay]] stereotypes that are really not that new in television (for example, as noted above, ''[[Will and Grace]]'' was criticized on the same grounds ''ten years ago''). The show does have two [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]] characters in Santana and Karofsky, though.
** One of which is transferred to another school between seasons and the other of which is usually painted as a complete bitch and gets reduced screen time since coming out as a lesbian.
** The discovery that Shelby Corcoran is Rachel's biological mother takes up a multi-episode arc, but Rachel's two gay fathers haven't been seen on the show at all except as a picture in her locker.
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* [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]]: The show had a joke about oral sex in the very second episode, along with a dance routine that bordered on dry humping and was described as "giving [the audience]!" The third episode had a student talk about how much he loves to have sex with older, married women when he cleans their pools. The fourth episode had the president of the celibacy club get pregnant, and lie to her boyfriend that it happened when he ejaculated prematurely in the pool. And so on and so forth. And yet, there are people complaining that a scene with two boys kissing was "inappropriate for the children who watch the show."
** The fact that they play quite a few of the original and cover songs on Radio Disney REALLY doesn't help them change the idea.
* [[WTH?What the Hell, Casting Agency?]]: Kevin McHale is one of the best dancers on the cast, but it's ''his'' character who's in a wheelchair.
** It made a pretty interesting storyline/scene when he was daydreaming about being able to get up and dance, in the episode "Dream On". If the casting director had cast an actor who was actually handicapped, one can only imagine how that dance dream sequence would have gone.
* [[The Woobie]]: