Bed Trick: Difference between revisions

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In order to have sex with Bob, Eve pretends to be Alice.
This is one of [[The Oldest Tricks in The Book]] and a common origin story for mythological heroes (often with a god playing the role of Eve). The [[Unfortunate Implications]] make it something of a [[Discredited Trope]]. As a general rule, the farther back you go in time, the more likely it is that the person you're sleeping with isn't who you think they are, though it's seen something of a revival in [[Soap Opera|Soap Operas]]s (usually with the [[Justified Trope|added justification]] that person being fooled is drunk).
When [[Played for Laughs]], expect Eve-as-Alice to be much better in bed than the real Alice.
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* ''[[Wild N Out|Wild N' Out]]'' had a skit with Ne-Yo in which the black team sung about portraying his bodyguards. One of the comedians/bodyguards sung about a Ne-Yo groupie who would only sleep with him if she got with Ne-Yo first: he took her into a dark room with just him & her. After it was over, he told her "It's not Ne-Yo, it's me, ho."
* In the third season of ''[[Fringe]]'' {{spoiler|Olivia is replaced with her [[Mirror Universe]] counterpart, who sleeps with Peter.}}
* This is attempted ''twice'' on [[The X-Files]], both times with someone trying to seduce Scully while pretending to be Mulder. In "Small Potatos", a shape-shifting man transforms himself into Mulder first to avoid being arrested, and then uses his appearance to seduce Scully. She doesn't notice (to be fair, there was wine involved) and almost kisses the non-Mulder before the real Mulder bursts in. Scully, obviously, is not amused. The second time, Mulder switches bodies with an MIB, who decides to try and seduce Scully. This time, though, she ''does'' notice that it's not Mulder because the MIB acts nothing like Mulder--includingMulder—including slapping her butt and calling her "Dana" rather than "Scully". She tricks him into handcuffing himself to Mulder's bed, and warns him if he called her "baby" again, he'd be "peeing through a catheter."
* On ''[[True Blood]]'' Tommy acquires the power to shapeshift into other people and accidentally shifts into Sam, his brother. He then spends the day pretending to be Sam and it culminates with him sleeping with Sam's girlfriend. When Sam finds out he kicks Tommy out and wants nothing to do with him ever again.
* A borderline example from ''[[Crownies]]'': a woman dresses up very provocatively for a blind date set up by a friend, with someone whose been told is an attractive dentist called Phil. Around the time she's expecting him, an average-looking campaign worker who has been going door-to-door stops by. Before he can get a word in, she asks "Are you Phil?" [[Distracted by the Sexy]], he impulsively answers "Yes." She proceeds to sleep with him, even though he's nowhere near as attractive as she was led to believe Phil is, and never makes an effort to pretend to be the man she was expecting beyond lying about his name - the implication is that she never gave him a chance to talk after that. When the real Phil shows up, she reports the campaigner to the police and then to the Crown Prosecution Serivce. Though Richard acknowledges the man's actions could constitute rape by fraud, most of the characters are just dumbfounded by the fact that the woman slept with him for no reason beyond "He said he was Phil." Whether or not the man was charged is left unrevealed by the end of the episode.
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** Later he seduces/date rapes Europa by turning into a bull and having his way with her, resulting in the birth of Minos I and Rhadamanthus.
*** Zeus uses that gambit a bunch of times, including when he disguises himself as a swan to rape Leda and impregnate her with Pollux and Helen (later of Troy) and, in some accounts, Castor and Klytaimnestra as well.
*** Also occurs when he disguises himself as a snake to rape Persephone -- hisPersephone—his own daughter -- anddaughter—and impregnate her with Zagreus.
*** Again with Persephone, he disguises himself as Hades and seduces her, producing Melinoe, goddess of ghosts.
*** Not to mention turning into Artemis to rape Callisto, one of her nymphs. Becoming an animal is bad enough, but turning into your virgin daughter to get laid? Wow.
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== Opera and Theater ==
* In the [[Shakespeare|Shakespearean]]an canon:
** In ''[[All's Well That Ends Well|Alls Well That Ends Well]]'', Bertram won't accept Helena as his wife until she can become pregnant by him; she discovers an assignation between him and Diana, and convinces Diana to let her go instead.
** In ''[[Measure for Measure]]'', Angelo attempts to use the [[Scarpia Ultimatum]] on Isabella; she convinces Mariana, who Angelo is technically married to, to go in her place.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* Some D&D settings, including [[Ravenloft]] and [[Forgotten Realms]], depict the entire doppelganger race as reproducing via the [[Bed Trick]]. A few Changelings do the same thing in [[Eberron]].
