The Monkees (TV series): Difference between revisions

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* [[Mind Control]]: "The Frodis Caper", "Monkees Blow Their Minds"
* [[Mind Screw]]: The movie ''[[Head]]'', as well as the TV special ''33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee''.
* [[Missing Episode]]: The 2-part Japanese special "The Monkees In Japan." A concert performance from their Far East tour only aired once in October 1968, and hasn't been seen since. However, the audio from both parts can be heard in the bootleg ''Made In Japan.''
* [[Mock Millionaire]]: Done twice; once so that Peter could romance a debutante, and another time to convince Davy's grandfather he is a success so he won't force Davy to return to England.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: All four boys, but especially Davy.