Purple Eyes: Difference between revisions

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* [[Creepy Child|Elva]] from the ''[[Inheritance Cycle]]''.
* The lead character of [[Dean Koontz]]'s ''Twilight Eyes'', oddly enough.
* Emily Starr by [[Anne of Green Gables|L.M. Montgomery]])in the cycle of ''Emily'' books has purplish-grey eyes and she's more than a little odd.<br />Her ''[[Anne of Green Gables]]'' books have an in-universe example: Anne writes a story in which one of the [[Her Codename Was Mary Sue|ridiculously beautiful heroines]] has purple eyes; she says she never heard of anyone actually having them but wanted something out-of-the ordinary.
* Daniel Molloy in ''[[The Vampire Chronicles]]''.
* Members of House l'Envers in Jacqueline Carey's ''[[Kushiel's Legacy]]'' novels, particularly Queen Ysandre. Something of a twist in that every member of House l'Envers comes under suspicion at some point, whether deserved or not.