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** In part 2 of "The Return of Harmony", {{spoiler|Discord}} barely has time to let out a [[Big No]] as {{spoiler|he realizes he was ''dead wrong'' and the heroines have not only rekindled their friendship, but because of that he's about to get blasted head-on with the Elements Of Harmony -- the ''one'' thing that can defeat him -- and theres ''nothing'' he can do about it. Considering all the horrible things he'd put them and Equestria through the past two episodes, this is ''very'' satisfying.}}
** At the end of the second [[Season Finale]], {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Queen Chrysalis]] gets a perfect one when she looks behind her and sees a [[Heart Beat-Down]] heading her way.}}
* In the pilot episode of ''Star Wars:Rebels'', ISB Agent Kallus has the titular small rag-tag band of Rebels pinned down by his detachment of stormtroopers as they're trying to rescue some Wookie slaves. Their escape ship is being driven off by TIE fighters, they're surrounded and pinned down, and they've got nowhere to go. Kallus starts smiling as Kanan deliberately leaves cover to walk straight into the fire of a dozen blasters, apparently trying to commit suicide by stormtrooper... and stops smiling as he realizes that somehow, Kanan is dodging every blaster bolt that comes at him. [[The Reveal|And then Kanan ignites his lightsaber.]] The heretofore absolutely unflappable Kallus immediate ''takes a step back in fear and stutters'', and his expression is ''priceless''.
{{quote|'''Agent Kallus:''' All troopers! Focus your fire on... (gulps) ... on the ''Jedi''.}}