Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Difference between revisions

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* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Almost everyone, actually, leading to the [[Gray and Grey Morality]]. There are some definitely evil people who don't care about anything but killing you and anyone else in their way, but the big players fall under this trope.
** Michael Zelazny falls under this completely. He only wants to end corruption in some of the major governments, even at the cost of human lives. He will openly admit to Adam that he knows full well that he is committing murder, and that he expects nothing more but punishment in the afterlife, but his actions are all but necessary.
** David Sarif is a comparatively downplayed example. But while he expresses concern and occasional uneasiness regarding his actions, he's not above doing shady dealings {{Spoiler|or augmenting Adam Jensen despite his wishes after his near-death in the opening}} if it means protecting his company and working for the greater good. {{spoiler|Not to mention that some of his actions have been done to keep himself and his employees safe from the Illuminati.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: If you waste too much time in Sarif Industries before the first mission, then the hostages will be dead by the time you get there. Expect the police force to give you an earful.
** The SWAT officers will give you hell no matter what you do in the factory after the mission is over. Use lethal force on Sanders? You killed someone who could have been questioned, you bastard! <ref> The fact that you did so to save a hostage is irrelevant.</ref> Use lethal force on the armed, hostile criminals with hostages (and who killed at least one hostage before you arrive)? You're a goddamn murderer, to quote one of the SWAT officers. Take Sanders down alive? Good job, Jensen, now he's going to be able to keep spreading his hate speech! You can't ''win'' with these guys; the best you can hope for is to save all the hostages and take down everyone alive, which will ''minimize'' the bitching-out the SWAT team gives you. It gets ''worse'' if you clear out all the attackers but don't disarm the bomb, as SWAT will blame ''you'' for the deaths of the hostages when they completely screw up the ''one'' part of the job you left to them.