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* Faye in ''[[Questionable Content]]''. Though she subverts the [[Freak-Out]], she makes jokes about it while she's in obvious pain from bringing it up, and chooses to tell Marten beforehand. Still counts, though, because she is [[The Woobie|pretty broken.]]
** More recent issues indicate that Dora may also be one, particularly regarding her relationship history and trust issues with Marten.
* Considering recent developments with her character, [[Dark Action Girl|Tsukiko]] from ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'' ''might'' be this - or she might just be crazy. She says that she "likes" the undead because she thinks that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|all living people are bastards]] and therefore the undead, as their inverse, [[Insane Troll Logic|must be good]]. It is, however, unclear whether these opinions come from personal experience or not - if they do, she's probably this trope, and a good deal more sympathetic than she had been previously.
** Which wouldn't be surprising, as a lot of villains in ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'' tend to have a dimension of sympathy. (Except the [[Big Bad]] himself, by [[Word of God|admission of the creator]].)
** Speaking of OOTS villains with a dimension of sympathy - [[Lawful Stupid|Miko]] [[Knight Templar|Miyazaki]] could be [[Alternate Character Interpretation|interpreted as such]] as well; she was orphaned at a young age, is severely socially awkward, and her only friend is her horse. One could imagine a lonely young girl with poor social skills adopting a rigid black-and-white view of the world as a means of emotional defense - only making things worse, as her narrow-mindedness and arrogance drives people even further away from her.