Blank Book: Difference between revisions

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[[File:BatmanTASBlankBook 405.jpg|link=Batman: The Animated Series|frame|The proofreader ''really'' needs to lay off the sauce.]]
This is when a character picks up a book and sees it is essentially empty. It's just a cover (possibly even without a title) pasted onto a blank book, or one filled with nonsense words like ''Lorem Ipsum'' over and over, or that just simply stops partway through. Why is this book blank? There's a few less than good reasons for it.
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]'', the book was blank for the first person to pick it up. Once handed to another person, it was filled with the first person's memories for the second to explore.
* In ''[[xxxHolic]]'', there was a demon that ate words from books. It was eventually tricked into eating the words on a [[Protective Charm]], making it [[Sealed Evil in a Can]].
* In the seventh arc of ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'', Will attends Beatrice's {{spoiler|funeral}}. In her {{spoiler|coffin, there is no body}}, just a book. When Will opens the book, the pages turn to petals. It's later shown that the book contains Battler's {{spoiler|final iteration of what happened during the Rokkenjima murders - an iteration that is only to be shared between himself and Beatrice}}.
* One of the Dolems traps Kamina in a [[Lotus Eater Machine]] in an episode of ''[[RahXephon]]''. While there's plenty of strange things going on, one of the first that he really notices is that every book is blank.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* A ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'' strip [[Invoked Trope|invokes this trope.]] Calvin uses this as an excuse for not doing his homework: "I tried, but the book publisher didn't use the proper print fixative. Needless to say, when I picked up the book all the letters slid off the page and fell on the floor in a heap of gibberish!"
* In ''[[Grant MorrisonsMorrison's Batman]]'', the Joker's Joke Book is supposedly written in an ink that only the insane can read. It's intentionally unclear whether this is literally true, or simply a way of saying a crazy person will ''imagine'' there's writing in it. Either way, to most people, it's a Blank Book.
* ''The Wisdom Of Lobo,'' an actual book included in a three-book Lobo slipcased set back in the 90s. It was blank.
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* In ''[[1408]]'' the protagonist in desperation picks up the Gideon bible in the hotel room he is trapped only to find that all the pages are blank.
* In ''[[Dark City]]'', John Murdoch discovers that a picture book he drew in as a child is now completely blank. For extra [[Paranoia Fuel]], when he tries to show it to a cop later, it's filled out.
* Happens at the beginning of ''[[Inception]]'' when Cobb steals the documents from the vault inside SaitosSaito's dream. When Saito catches on that someone is trying to steal his secret memories, he checks the documents in the vault to find literal Blank Pages placed there by Cobb. But now that Saito is aware that someones going through his memories, the pages in the document stolen by Cobb have most of the content blackened out, as Saito tries to block him out of his subconsciousness.
* Happens in ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'': {{spoiler|The [[MacGuffin|Dragon Scroll]] turns out to be totally blank.}} Instead, it is a mirror, meant to prompt [[An Aesop|the lesson]] that [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are|true strength comes from within]] rather than spelling anything out.
* This happened with ''[[Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea]]'' in the film version of ''[[Sphere]]''. It wasntwasn't blank, but just stopped where the reader was too scared to read past that page while he was a child.
* ''[[Pleasantville]]'': The library's books are mostly blank until the male lead exposes the locals to the concept of reading for pleasure, at which point new words appear.
* ''[[Pan's Labyrinth]]'': The Faun gives Ofelia a blank book and instructs her to open it when she is alone, whereupon the instructions for the tasks she must complete will appear to her. {{spoiler|The book also lets her know about her mother's impending death in childbirth by displaying a blood splotch that takes the shape of a womb before spreading to fill the entire page.}}
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== [[Literature]] ==
* In the book ''[[Conrad's Time Machine]]'', the inventor had huge shelves of "effectively 100%" original first edition books. Effectively 100% in such way that all books he or anyone else had and will read, glance though or ''touch'' isare real first edition books. What is actually there is around 0.1% real first edition books and rest isare just titled blank books.
* There's a variant on the social climber's "Prop Books" in ''[[The Great Gatsby]]'' that [[Does This Count?|may or may not be worth noting here]]: Gatsby's library is full of real books—but the pages are left uncut, meaning he doesn't actually ''read'' them. Owl-Eyes notices this and calls Gatsby "a regular [[wikipedia:David Belasco#Influence on American theatre|Belasco]]", complimenting him on the thoroughness of the illusion.
* ''[[The Historian]]'' by Elizabeth Kostova features several books that are blank except for a picture of a dragon in the middle.
* In [[Tanya Huff]]'s ''The Keeper'', the protagonist tries to restore a decayed journal, but a "word spider(?)" got into the word-restoring tupperware the book was in and caused the words to literally drip off the book, much to her horror.
* In ''[[Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets]]'', Tom Riddle's diary is effectively blank until someone writes into it. After {{spoiler|Harry destroys it with the Basilisk venom, it goes blank for good, though not before ''bleeding ink.''}}
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* In the ''[[Animorphs]]'' [[Prequel]] ''The Andalite Chronicles,'' the Time Matrix creates a miniature universe based on the memories of Elfangor, Loren and the future Visser Three. Elfangor leafs through a book in Loren's faux bedroom and notes that it ends halfway through; he reasons Loren didn't finish the book's real-world counterpart, giving her mind nothing to fill in for the rest.
* ''[[Thursday Next|The Great Samuel-Pepys Fiasco]]''
* inIn ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]'', one of the devotaries (religious orders) uses a blank book called ''The Book of Endless Pages'' as a metaphor, -- the book cannot be filled because there is always more to learn.
* One of these appears in ''[[The Chronicles of Prydain]]''; it's discovered text appears when the pages are viewed with a particular kind of magical light.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* When Willow's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] emerges in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', she absorbs the text from all the magic shop's books on dark magic. Her friends later try to find out about the magic she's using, but the books are now blank.
** Another ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' example: The book used to seal [[Mailer Daemon|Moloch]] was blank until the sealing ritual was performed, at which point it would fill up with words. When Willow scanned it into the library computer, it became blank again, as Moloch was released into the internet.
* In ''[[Dark Oracle]]'' the eponymous comic book would inevitably arrive with most of the pages blank. As the episode progressed, pages would fill in, eventually revealing whichever horrific future Cally and Lance had to avert.
* In ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', Bashir realizes he's still in Sloan's mind when his copy of ''[[A Tale of Two Cities]]'' has "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." at the point where he left off; because he hadn't finished the book, Sloan's mind filled in the unread parts with repetitions of what he had read so far.
** ''The Tome of the Pah'Wraiths'' is a forbidden and blasphemous text in the Bajoran faith. But when it is opened, the pages are all blank, confounding those who would seek the evil knowledge within. Only after {{spoiler|a virtuous man is murdered while trying to keep the book from evil hands and his blood drips onto the pages}} does the actual text appear. Even, then only the [[Chosen One]] of the Pah'Wraith can actually read it; anyone else who tries risks being supernaturally blinded.
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode ''"The Big Bang''", Amy is given River Song's diary as a wedding present. However, the book is blank {{spoiler|because the Doctor has been erased from time. Once Amy remembers the Doctor and brings him back, the diary's contents return.}}
== [[Video Games]] ==
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== Webcomics ==
* Lampshaded in ''[[Ninth Elsewhere]]'':
** {{quote|"''How ridiculous, my own subconscious is mocking my goals.''"}}
* In [ this] ''[[Xkcd]]'' comic, a man has a shelf full of blank books, which he uses to make a profound point about imagination. His friend simply asks, [[Con Man|"Who sold you all these blank books?"]] The alt text reveals the comic is actually a metaphor for homeopathic and "alternative" medicine.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]'', {{spoiler|when Bruce Wayne was trapped by the Mad Hatter in a [[Lotus Eater Machine]],}} one of his first clues something was wrong with the perfect world was that all the books were unreadable. (Hence the page image).
* The ''[[Justice League (animation)|Justice League]]'' cartoon had an episode where Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, and Flash got transported to an alternate universe where the Silver Age heroes John Stewart read about as a boy are real. Midway through, John gets suspicious that the world isn't all it seems, and goes to a library, where he finds all the books are blank.
* ''[[Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures|Jonny Quest the Real Adventures]]'': Villain Ezekiel Rage constantly quotes from "The Book of Rage". When Jessie finds it, she discovers it's completely blank except for a picture of Rage's dead family.
* ''[[Thundercats 2011]]'': Sought-after [[Great Big Book of Everything]] and [[Tomes of Prophecy and Fate|Tome of Prophecy and Fate]] the Book of Omens, at least, in its appearance as a ''book.'' {{spoiler|It's actually a [[Magitek]] computer}}
* ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy|Ed, Edd n Eddy]]'': For some reason, the Kanker sisters have a shelf of blank books in their trailer. [[Nerd|Edd]] seems to have a minor freakout when he discovers this.
== [[Real Life]] ==