Xenosaga/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Her ultimate weapon in Episode I.
* [[Small Girl, Big Gun]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can]]: The conscience of Mary Magdelene is stored within KOS-MOS and is used to oppose the power of Anima (should anything bad happen) whom is chaos.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Soul Jar]]}}: To T-Elos, to a degree. {{spoiler|KOS-MOS' body was supposed to only be a temporary container of the Soul of Mary Magdalene, which was meant to be eventually absorbed by T-Elos}}.
* [[Stripperific]] A constant across all her various bodies and outfits... and apparently in direct proportion to Shion's role in designing them.
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'''Voiced by [[Brianne Siddall]] (games) and [[Greg Ayres]] (anime) in English.'''
A gung-ho young man who commands the starship Durandal. He is second in command of the powerful Kukai Foundation, although his exact relationship to the owner, Gaignun, is the matter of some speculation. His weapon of choice is antique [[Guns Akimbo|dual pistols]].
* [[Adorably Precocious Child]]: He looks like he's in his preteens, but acts much more mature. His design is obviously intended to play up the cute aspect of this. However, it's later revealed that he's actually ''immature'' for his chronological age, which somewhere around 30.
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* [[Twin Telepathy]]: Between all the remaining URTVs, but especially strong with his formerly conjoined twin, Albedo.
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Jr. likes to quote from ''books'', which are considered antiques by Xenosaga's time. One 4Koma pokes fun at this by having Allen being bewildered at how to even start reading one.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Jr. wields dual pistols because he's so fond of [[The Gunslinger|Gunslinger heroics]].
* [[You Are Number Six]]: He is URTV [[Number of the Beast|#666]], also codenamed Rubedo.
* [[Young Gun]]: In addition to being [[The Gunslinger]], Jr. completely fits this role as well. {{spoiler|He's both, because he is actually over twenty years old and is definitely experienced enough to be an actual [[The Gunslinger|gunslinger]]. However, since he looks and acts like a typical [[Young Gun]], he fits this too.}} The only difference is that he's not attached to any sort of older mentor.
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* {{spoiler|[[Spanner in the Works]]: Maybe, depending on your interpretation of Wilhelm's ultimate goals.}}
* [[The So-Called Coward]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In the end, he ''bludgeons'' a Gnosis to death with a rifle butt, after delivering a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] to [[The Dragon]].
=== Miyuki ===
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{{spoiler|Or so you are meant to think. He orchestrated his own demise at the hands of the KOS-MOS archetype in order to become a Testament and help Wilhelm. His reasons for doing so is so that his time with Shion can last forever.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: {{spoiler|He betrays Wilhelm only when said [[Big Bad]] ''starts'' to tell him how much he failed at his role in his [[Xanatos Gambit]] and tortures Shion by ''karate chopping his arm off''. When that doesn't work, he literally stabs Wilhelm [[In the Back]], killing the both of them, so the party can save the universe.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
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Rank Lieutenant. He is a A.G.W.S. pilot stationed on the Woglinde and a veteran of the Miltian Conflict. A [[Jerkass]] who actively insults Shion's optimism and belief that Realians count as people. {{spoiler|Is eventually killed by KOS-MOS because he kept getting in line of her fire.}}
{{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead|Or he would have if he wasn't brought back by Wilhelm]]. He then becomes the Blue Testament, personality intact. His reason for becoming a Testament is tied into the Miltian Conflict. During the period, he lost his whole squad to Realians and would have died if he didn't get a transplant from a Realian named Febronia, who also took care of Shion. While recovering, the formerly hard-assed soldier eventually softens and the two fall in love. However, when all things went to hell, Febronia died. He blames himself for being too weak and not being able to protect her. Because of this, he rejected love and developed an intense hatred towards Realians. The reason he hates Shion's optimism so much is because she reminds him of Febronia.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Justified by Wilhelm's power}}
* [[Boss Banter]]
* [[Capulet Counterpart]]: With {{spoiler|Febronia}}
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* [[Likable Villain]]: It takes a long while for you to see what his deal is, but once you do, it's [[Tear Jerker|time to cry...]]
* {{spoiler|[[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: When the out-of-control combat Realians kill Febronia, goes along with his [[Tear Jerker]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Cast]]: In ''Xenosaga: The Animation'', Virgil survives the attack on the Woglinde in place of Commander Cherenkov, only to be killed later by KOS-MOS (for the same reason as in the game).}}
* {{spoiler|[[Survivor Guilt]]: A major part of his character.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]: With Feb.}}
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* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Benign or not}}, it's still [[H.P. Lovecraft|Yog-Sototh]] lite.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]
* [[God in Human Form]]: Well {{spoiler|God In Human And [[Cool Ship]] Form, anyhow}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: And then some. Also one of the most pure examples of "crazy" in media. Most of the time, [[Ax Crazy]] is simply extremely vicious sociopaths with little regard to human life. Albedo personifies the truly insane elements by making semi-coherent references to various works, often randomly and with the loose relevance to the current issue and has a warped pattern of speech ("I am the ultimate telomerase!" when he's referencing his immortality). {{spoiler|To be fair, though, this is due to being corrupted by U-DO.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: No less than ''three'' times in Episode II, for a given amount of "dead."}}
* [[Big Brother Attraction]]: To Jr.
* [[Black Cloak]]: Although it is technically white, the usage and effect is the same.
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* [[Foil]]: To both Gaignun and Jr.
* [[From a Single Cell]]: Technically, from a single particle.
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]/[[Freak-Out]]: Twice; first one was when he learned that his brothers lack his infinite regeneration and could die, and the second is when he {{spoiler|came into contact with U-DO}}.
* [[Healing Factor]]: Arguably his defining characteristic.
* [[The Hedonist]]: His quest {{spoiler|to tap into U-DO again and to be killed by Jr. and, arguably, to then be reunited with Jr.}}
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: No, seriously. He can (and does) blow off his own head (repeatedly) and survive without a scratch.
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Albedo tries to blow up a planet. When that gets foiled, he just tries to [[Colony Drop|drop the giant space station on it]]. {{spoiler|However, this all may have been an act to get Jr hate him enough to kill him, as Jr is the only one who actually can neutralize U-DO's waves. Albedo would prefer getting killed than watch his brothers, mainly Jr, die.}}
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Though this trope alone wouldn't encompass his craziness.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Type C
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]: He does this '''three times''' and every time it looks like he's gone for good, however, he just won't stay dead-- He's molecularly reassembled by the Testaments, killed again by Jr., brought back as a Testament himself and dies again when his mind is absorbed by Jr. and his body is obliterated}}.
* [[Required Secondary Powers]]: His [[Healing Factor]].
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* [[Terms of Endangerment]]: His frequent referral to MOMO as ''Ma belle péche'' or a variant of said phrase.
* [[Twin Telepathy]]: Although all the URTVs can communicate telepathically, the link between Jr. and Albedo is especially strong, with Jr. even able to sense {{spoiler|when Albedo is reduced to particles.}}
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]:
{{quote|"This pain. It's SO GOOD! SO GOOOOD!"}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: For a given amount of "pretty."
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: He destroyed ({{spoiler|well, actually gnostified}}) an entire planet of several billion people in order to conduct Zohar link experiments. He doesn't seem to care, either, stating that the inhabitants were of no use to anyone.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Say My Name]]: To Jin.
{{quote|"'''UZUKI[[User:Dai-Guard|Dai-Guard]] ([[User talk:Dai-Guard|talk]]) 10:51, 27 November 2013 (UTC)'''"}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}}: {{spoiler|To Wilhelm}}.
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* [[Evil Old Folks]]: He is the oldest-''[[Older Than They Look|looking]]'' character in the series. The chronologically-oldest characters have him beat by ''gigayears''. One of them is in your party, {{spoiler|and has been alive since at least Jesus' time.}}
* [[First Church of Mecha]]: Ormus worships the Zohar as a holy relic and uses numerous religious-themed [[Humongous Mecha]]s as part of their arsenal, including one that actually '''is''' a church. And then there's his own personal [[Deus Est Machina]]: Proto-Ω.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Dresses all in white? Check. Head of a major religion? Check. Light-based attacks? Check. Army of angelic super robots? Check. Base of operations looks like a space cathedral? Check. Genocidal tendencies? '''Double check'''.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Although he's the primary antagonist of ''Episode II'', he's a blip on the radar in the series as a whole.
* [[Out-Gambitted]]: By Wilhelm, spectacularly.
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The head of Vector Industries, the largest corporation in existence. It is also revealed that he heads up {{spoiler|the second largest company, Hyams and the religious organization Ormus.}} He has some sort of connection to chaos (the guy) and commands the Testaments.
* {{spoiler|[[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: It's heavily implied that Wilhelm was either Emperor Nero or Tiberius.}}
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: So much so that other chessmasters could learn from him.
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* [[Creepy Monotone]]: He speaks almost entirely in an "''I'm a complete doucebag''" tone.
* [[For Science!]]
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: What happened when he came into contact with U-DO.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: One of the ways he's lived for so long and an acquired skill from contact with U-DO.
* [[Jerkass]]: He's the only villain (aside from Voyager) with '''zero''' redeeming qualities.
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* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: To the male URTVs. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in-universe.
* [[Evil Redhead]]: She's a mass murderer.
* [[Never a Self-Made Woman]]: Her dad ''is'' Dimitri Yuriev, after all.
* [[Ninja Maid]]: To Yuriev.
* [[Opposite SexGender Clone]]: She was created mostly from Yuriev's X-chromosome.
* [[She's All Grown Up]]: And killing people...
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Yuriev, again.
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'''Voiced by Masaharu Satou in Japanese and [[Steve Blum]] in English.'''
One of the brightest scientific minds in the post-Miltian Conflict galaxy. Dr. Sellers is known as much for his intellect as he is for his shifting loyalties.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: It's probably easier to list the people he ''hasn't'' screwed over.
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* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Genius Cripple]]: A self-made example. He ruined Joachim Mizrahi's life, so Mizrahi shot his kneecaps off.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Other than the aforementioned knee-capping, he largely gets away scot-free in all three games.
* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]
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'''Voiced by Kouji Tsujitani in Japanese and DC Douglas in English.'''
The black testament, who has some sort of connection with Ziggy.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
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A humanoid weapon system built on the same principles as KOS-MOS, and vastly more powerful. She states that she must destroy KOS-MOS in order to be complete.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: T-elos is cruel and sadistic, compared to KOS-MOS's logical indifference or protectiveness.
** This could be more of the below [[Evil Counterpart]]. It's not just their personalities that's flipped, but pretty much ''everything'' along with a play on words. KOS-MOS is right-handed (dextrous, implying skill and effectiveness) while T-elos is left (sinister, implying cruelty. [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Obviously]]).
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: T-ELOS fits this to a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|T]].