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** ''[[Yes! Pretty Cure 5|Yes! Precure 5]]'' took it further with its expanded cast. Much further. Further enough that shippers of all kinds decided it was probably best not to read any meaning into it.
* Lina and Gourry from ''[[The Slayers]]'' have to share a room in a tavern. Lina insists that Gourry takes the bed, but at the end they ''both'' sleep on the floor, since Gourry thinks it's not chivalrous to sleep comfortably while she's not.
* Subverted two ways in ''[[Code Geass]]''. When C.C. shows up [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|unexpectedly]] and enters [[Pretty Freeloaders]] mode, she immediately takes over Lelouch's bed, remarking "A gentleman would sleep on the floor." A few episodes later they're sharing the bed, but there's absolutely no sexual tension because [[Jerkass Facade|Lelouch doesn't even treat C.C. like a human being (let alone a woman)]], and [[Deadpan Snarker|C.C.'s too jaded to really care]]. And it's a big bed, so they don't exactly have to spoon.
* In ''[[Patlabor]]'' Gotoh and Shinobu get stuck in a major storm on their way back from a conference. The only place they find to stay is a [[Love Hotels|love hotel]], which naturally only has a single bed. He offers to sleep on the couch, of course. The situation is complicated by Gotoh's blatant crush on Shinobu.
* [[Ms. Fanservice|Shiranui Mai]] is all a-twitter that the hotel room she and Andy Bogard are staying in in ''[[Fatal Fury]]: the Motion Picture'' has only one bed. Andy sleeps on the couch.
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** In the seventh season episode "Showtime," Kennedy tries to engineer this in order to seduce Willow.
** Hilariously averted in ''[[Angel]]'' "Rm w/a Vu" when Cordy turns up at a shirtless, dripping wet Angel's apartment desperate for a place to stay—she talks right over Angel's objections and states he'll be the one sleeping on the sofa. The next day Angel is so desperate to get her out he agrees to fight a demon loan shark stalking Doyle if he finds Cordy a new apartment.
* While being secretly ferreted behind enemy lines in the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' episode "Unification", Picard and Data are shacked up in a shared quarters with a single bunk, setting up this trope, but since Data is an android (and therefore doesn't need sleep), it never comes to pass. The awkwardness of the situation is still in effect, however, with Data creepily ''watching'' Picard sleep...
** There's also the two times that Q decided to hop into bed with Picard. The first time, he does it to taunt and annoy Picard, but in the second, he pretends to be the woman Picard went to bed with the night before. There's no reason for him to do it, he just does, and after Picard gets over the shock of finding Q there, they have a civil conversation.
* In one episode of ''[[Designing Women]]'', Suzanne and Anthony share a motel room with only one bed. Initially, Anthony tries to sleep in the car (at Suzanne's insistence), but she relents after the temperature outside drops well below freezing.
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* In one episode of ''[[NCIS]]'' Tony and Ziva spend a few days in Paris and their room only has one bed. Tony tells a witness Ziva took the couch. Ziva tells McGee that Tony took the couch. By the end of the episode it is revealed they shared the bed.
** Another example is when McGee and Abby are in Mexico and have to share a one-bed hotel room. The woman getting the bed is subverted when Abby sleeps in the room she is given for her class on solving cold cases after McGee uses tap water to brush his teeth.
* In the infamous "Ghost" episode of ''[[Law & Order: Special Victims Unit|Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]'', the fact that There Is Only One Bed in the safe room Alex is staying in, while Olivia is sleeping in the same room, ostensibly to protect her, has become a [[Fandom -Specific Plot]] for the folks who ship them. This scene was deliberately written to [[Ship Tease]], as the producers are very much aware of the [[Les Yay]]. As are the actresses, who, luckily, are friends in real life.
* In an episode of ''[[The War at Home]]'', Dave, Larry and Kenny stays in a motel room with only two beds. Dave ends up sleeping on the floor because he doesn't want [[Pet Homosexual]] Kenny sleeping with neither Larry nor himself.
* Never actually shown on ''[[The Amazing Race]]'', but frequently talked about, especially when teams spend the night in a remote location.