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* ''[[The Dream Machine]]'' the last film by [[Satoshi Kon]] was back on track for a short while but recently financial difficulty has put the film off indefinitely.
* The ''[[Code Geass]]'' Gaiden was first mentioned in the 2008 or 2009 time frame, though its official announcement wasn't until early-mid 2010. It was supposed to air in 2011. Its currently January 2012, and the general public has seen: two character designs, some mechs, and a general concept.
* The planned [[Spiritual Successor]] to the ''[[Wings of Honneamise Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise]]'', ''Aoki Uru'', entered preproduction ''in 1988'', but hasn't been completely abandoned yet. Despite it being shelved indefinitely, [[Gainax]] is still wishing to eventually produce it, and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto still releases the concept arts from time to time.
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** [[Saved From Development Hell|Movie? Who needs a movie?]]. A comic book continuation series was made between 2013 and 2015.
*** '''And''' [[Toonami]] will air a '''new''' season!!! (Set for 2016)
* ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'' also had an animated film in Development Hell for a while. [[That Other Wiki]] says the "Wishology" specials may have started out as that movie; [[A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!|a live-action FOP TV movie]] was eventually released in 2011.
* ''[[The Dream Machine]]'', delayed by the declining health and eventual death of [[Satoshi Kon]]. His collaborators planned to finish it, but was announced in August 2011 that production had been halted due to financing issues.
* ''Truckers'': [[DreamWorks]] was supposed to do an adaptation of [[Terry Pratchett]]'s book with Academy Award winning writer Simon Beaufoy writing the script and a set release date of 2012. The talks of making the film seemed to die down once the script was completed and [[DreamWorks]] and Beaufoy have since moved on.
* ''Blue Planet'', a CGI sci-fi action movie planned by now-defunct Rainbow Studios (later aquired by [[THQ]]), with a video-game tie-in. A trailer was released, to widespread acclaim, which showcased the for-the-time high-quality CGI, parodies of Pixar's ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]]'' and ''[[A Bug's Life|A Bugs Life]]'' characters, and a soundtrack featuring "More Human Than Human" by [[Rob Zombie]]. Much of the already-shot footage was recycled for the time-in game, which was eventually released as ''[[Deadly Tide]]''.
* In the late 1990's, Fox and [[Matt Groening]] signed a deal to make three films based on ''[[The Simpsons]]''. The first film was released in 2007. Since then, absolutely ''nothing'' has been heard about the sequels (rumors have had one of the films be based on ''Itchy and Scratchy'').
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* ''Tongue of Fury'', the sequel to ''[[Kung Pow]]: Enter the Fist'', was announced since the end of the first film in 2002. However, no word of it has ever surfaced. [[Word of God]] states that Steve Oedekerk is still sifting through a huge library of Hong Kong martial arts films to find the right scenes to lift. There were also rumors of a possible 2010 release.
* The ''Elfstones of [[Shannara]]'' and ''[[Magic Kingdom of Landover|Magic Kingdom for Sale -- SOLD!]]'' movies. Yes, there are plans. One version of the proposed script for the latter would have given Ben a son and daughter, but Terry Brooks nixed that because their characters weren't developed enough.
* The third ''[[James Bond (film)|James Bond]]'' film starring [[Timothy Dalton]], eventually titled ''The Property of a Lady''—MGM was going through many turmoils, and eventually Dalton's contract expired. Then [[Pierce Brosnan]] was hired, and the rest is history (the 6-year gap between ''[[Licence to Kill]]'' and ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' remains the largest of the series).
* ''[[The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension]]'' has two of these: The sequel film ''Buckaroo Banzai vs. the World Crime League'', which stalled out despite enthusiastic responses from the original cast; and an animated spinoff TV series on Fox, ''Buckaroo Banzai: Ancient Secrets and New Mysteries''. At this point, they can both be considered dead. The DVD release of the original move was this for about a decade, due to a complicated rights issue that was not resolved until the death of the license holder.
* Diane Duane wrote a screenplay for the first book of the ''[[Young Wizards]]'' series and reported that it was in very early development stages on the Young Wizards website back in 2007. As of 2010, there has been no progress whatsoever towards a finished movie.
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* For the ''[[Warrior Cats]]'' series, they announced in Feb 2010 that there would be some sort of online multiplayer game, possibly a MMORPG, based on the books. They made a big deal about it, randomly selecting survey-takers to be beta testers in March 2010. They said that beta testing would take place in the summer of that year, that they'd make regular posts on the official forum to keep fans updated about the progress of the game, and that the game itself would be out by the end of 2010. It's 2012 now. Beta testers haven't gotten a single message after the one informing them that they're a tester, and there haven't been any posts on the official forum from the gamemakers. The only signs that they're apparently still working on it is that HarperCollins Catalogs keeps listing "Online Game" under the Marketing/Publicity tab for each new book, and fans have asked the authors about it (the answer: "it's still being worked on").
* ''The Repossession Mambo'' (which was adapted as the film ''[[Repo Men]]'') was written in 1996 but did not find a publisher until 2008. However, the manuscript had been circulating in Hollywood for some time and the film was greenlighted a few years before the book was published. The film also suffered through post-production hell as Universal shelved it for two years.
* The third book in the [[Gentleman Bastard Sequence]] series, ''The Republic of Thieves,'' has been repeatedly announced as forthcoming...and as repeatedly postponed.
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* The career of Andrew Eldritch of [[The Sisters of Mercy]] fame: "We are working on an album, inter alia, but the matter of single releases is currently on hold..." and has been for thirteen years.
* Dr. Dre's third solo album, ''Detox.'' It is been in talks for most of the aughties, though the current state of hip hop makes the prospect much less exciting than when ''Chronic 2001'' came out. Dr. Dre has been promising Detox since 2000. Between the list of artists Dre said would be on the album and the lame acts he's signed to Aftermath over the years (acts who, according to many critics, already took up far too much of ''2001'') it's obvious what the holdup is: the man's become a perfectionist and can't decide who to work with.
** The only two artists he's been able to work with consistently are [[Fifty Cent|50 Cent]] and [[Eminem]], it seems unlikely that Detox will ever come out.
{{quote|'''Eminem'''(from a song released in 2004): "Don't worry 'bout that Detox album, it's comin'! We gon' make Dre do it!"}}
** The album had two well-received promo singles in 2011; the second, "I Need a Doctor", hit the top 5 and has been nominated for a Grammy. So of course we get announcements that a) neither song will be on the album if it's ever finished, and b) Dre's going on a hiatus from music altogether.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]:'' Since updates to rulebooks and models for different armies are largely based on player demand, and player demand is in turn based on the availability of up to date rulebooks and models, some teams spend years in development hell. This was exemplified by the Dark Eldar who went ''over a decade'' without an updated codex while the much more popular space marines received seven. They were mercifully [[Saved From Development Hell]] with an excellent new codex and model range, but others [[Demoted to Extra|haven't fared so well]].
Games Workshop recently started work on updating older books, which thankfully will see a resurgence of the forgotten armies. However the Sisters of Battle are notable in that while they're not as old as the Dark Eldar, they might very well have to wait quite a bit longer given that they're getting a Magazine Codex (which usually means development on them has halted and they're just getting lip service in the meantime). Even more notable is that the army is so old, they're the only ones who still require you to use metal models for the entire army (every army, even the Necrons and Dark Eldar, had plastics for troops. Sisters are not so lucky).
** With the release of the Necrons during the halloween of 2011, the Sisters of Battle is now literally the oldest range, having not received a new model in the longest time.
* [[Gary Gygax]] had always wanted to release a version of his iconic "Castle Greyhawk", the location that pretty much launched ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|Dungeons & Dragons]]'' while at TSR. Due to his busy schedule as the head of TSR, and his writing duties on a myriad of other modules, he never was able to complete or even start the module. (His being sent to Los Angeles to develop the ''D&D'' cartoon series didn't help either). In 1982, the module had been advertised in Dragon Magazine, but as of 1986, when Gygax left the company due to "[[Creative Differences]]", no module had been published. In '87, TSR did a wild and [[Dude, Not Funny|mostly unfunny]] parody version of the Castle that bore no resemblance to Gygax's design. It was seen by many gamers as little more than a parting shot against Gygax, and the module has been pretty solidly rejected by players and [[Canon Discontinuity|pretty much disowned]] by TSR and [[Wizards of the Coast]], leading to a second try at the module which was much more warmly received.
** Still, that wasn't Gygax's castle, one that wouldn't see print until 2008, when "[[Lawyer-Friendly Cameo|Castle Zagyg]]" was published by Troll Lord Games. Sadly that one went straight back into development hell after Gary [[Author Existence Failure|died shortly after the first installment was released]] and the deal Troll Lord games had with Gygax fell apart when his wife took control of the company. Nobody's sure what exactly happened, all people know is that in 2008, Gygax Games was going to find a way to publish the rest of the castle. It is now 2012, and as of this writing, the Gygax Games website has been ofline since at least 2009, still promising "something good in the works."
* d20 Spectaculars was a [[Superhero]] add-on to ''d20Modern'' that was supposed to be published by Wizards of the Coast in 2006, but it never materialized (possibly because ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' already had rules for d20 supers and did it very well). Possibly because that's when they started work on 4th edition.
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]] 4th edition'' was supposed to be released alongside a series of software tools. The most notable was a "virtual game table" allowing people to play live D&D online, complete with 3D models of characters and monsters. But all that was postponed and the game came out without any of the promised tools. A Rules Compendium was later released, then a Character Builder (still in beta). A year later, and still no sign of the virtual game table. Probably because there's plenty of free software online that does the same thing.
** The virtual tabletop is now a reality and is currently in beta. But Wizards still has other parts of the D&D software suite in Development Hell, like a long promised Encounter builder.
* ''[[GURPS]]: [[Girl Genius]]'' may be headed in this direction, due to an edition change since the Foglios wrote most of the content.
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* [ This webpage] has information on five series that qualify, they include [[Spin-Off]](s) of both ''[[Rugrats]]'' and ''[[Hey Arnold!]]'', [[Dueling Shows|a clone]] of ''[[Teacher's Pet (TV series)|Teachers Pet]]'', a [[Animesque]] series like ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' and a series that was supposed to be based off of a comic book. [ another page] (on the same website) has information on a show that was originally aired as a 15-minute short in 2002. But no more information has surfaced on it.
* An animated series based on the comic book series ''[[The 99]]'' was announced to be one of the launch programs on [[The Hub]], no word about the series has been heard [ since its announcement in March 2010]
* A DTV animated movie based on ''[[Castlevania III: DraculasDracula's Curse]]'', with character designs by James Jean and a script by Warren Ellis, was announced in 2007, but no further developments has been made.
* Robotech Shadow Rising is the proposed sequel to ''[[Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles]]''. Its fate is reportedly tied up with the schedule for the proposed live action movie on which no progress is known to have been made since its announcement in 2008.
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