Being Human (fanfic): Difference between revisions

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* [[Culture Clash]] - From Wheatley's Tumblr. He mentions that Chell played snowball fight, and interprets the ball as a personality sphere figurine.
{{quote|How would you like it if I made human shapes out of snow to throw at people? I don’t think you would at all. But that’s just me.}}
* [[Deconstruction]] - Of some of the standard human!Wheatley and "[[Fandom -Specific Plot|Chell finds civilization]]" story cliches. Notably upon finding civilization, Chell and Wheatley are immediately arrested and put in an insane asylum.
* [[Expy]] - Gabe [[Spoonerism|Wellnew]], a store owner/conspiracy theorist who takes Chell and Wheatley in, is this of [[Valve]] CEO Gabe Newell. He even collects knives.
** When [ talking about Wellnew on his Tumblr], Wheatley inserts the photo of Newell in front of the Half-Life 3 logo.
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* [[Musical World Hypothesis]] - The upcoming sequel will apparently be a musical, its not yet been described how this will be explained in-universe.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]] - Wheatley doesn't understand the human compulsion to wear clothes. He certainly didn't need them when he was a core...
* [[Short Title: Long Elaborate Subtitle]] - The story's full name is ''Being Human Or, A Scientific Study on the Behavioral and Social Aspects of Homo Sapiens in its Natural Habitat Facilitated through the use of an Aperture Science Personality Construct''.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To dozens of internet memes. Wheatley's favorite show is [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Midget Horsey: Companionship is Enchanting]], and he plays [[World of Warcraft|World of]] [[Angry Birds|Angry]] [[FarmvilleFarmVille|Farms]], an "MMOFPSRPGRTSTD Point-and-Click Browser Game".
** In the Being Human universe, [[GLaDOS]] ''wrote'' [[Cupcakes]].
*** Chapter 12 features an [[Epic Rap Battles of History|EPIC. RAP. BATTLEOFHISTORY!!!!]]
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[[Category:Being Human a Portal Fanfic]]