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* The true ending of ''[[Braid]]''. [[Gainax Ending|Open to interpretation]], but it would appear that the princess was trying to escape from the protagonist to the antagonist, not the other way around. Or she's an atomic bomb.
* [[Drawn to Life]]: The Next Chapter for the DS. Basically, all of the adorable animal characters in the village are killed, G-Rated style (they fade away). One of the characters, named Mike, fades away last. The voice of Mike's sister Heather is heard asking the Creator, the god-like figure in the game to bring her brother back, which at first seems like a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]. Then, her message changes and she was really trying to say, "God, just bring back my little brother to me." It is now revealed that Mike and Heather are actually humans, and the whole story with the village of cute animal things was all just a dream that Mike was having. It wasn't a regular dream either, It turns out that Mike and his family were in a ''car crash, which killed his parents, injured his sister, and put him in a coma.'' ''Damn.''
* ''[[Harvest Moon: aA Wonderful Life]]''. You die. Admittedly the game is one of the darkest in the franchise (if not the darkest), but it's typically quite happy.
* ''[[Bit.Trip|BIT.TRIP FATE]]'' is a pretty dark game compared to the other games in the series, but the [ ending] takes the cake. Upon defeating the [[Final Boss]], CommanderVideo [[Turns Red]], gets into position... [[Suicide Attack|and rams himself into the boss, destroying it and killing himself]]. After the final point tally, CommandgirlVideo arrives at the site of the final battle, realises what just happened, and sheds a [[Single Tear]].
* ''[[The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police|Sam and Max Freelance Police]]: The Devil's Playhouse'' is a comedy [[Lovecraft Lite]] that, while [[Darker and Edgier]] than the previous games, is still very lighthearted and playful. The ending involves {{spoiler|Max being [[Killed Off for Real]]}}.
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** Inverted in the following episode, which revolves around Weebl, Bob, and Chris attending Donkey's funeral. [[The Fun in Funeral|Cue Mr. Teeth.]]
{{quote|'''Mr. Teeth''': It's time to put the donkey into the asshole!}}
* [[Tales From the Table]] started off very comedic and ends in a surprising and depressing way.
* The flash series "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony]]: [[Portal (series)|Thinking With Portals]], is a lighthearted comedy crossover between MLP and ''Portal'', and features each of the Mane Cast (and the Princesses) having lighthearted hijinks with portal guns. The final episode, which will involve Twilight getting her revenge for being the [[Butt Monkey]] for the entire series, is stated to be ''much'' more serious than the rest of the series, the author admitting some of it may end up veering into [[Grimdark]] territory. {{spoiler|However, the author has personally leaked that in the end, [[Everybody Lives|everpony lives]].}}
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** Actually ended up subverted in a rather off-hand way in a cartoon based loosely on another children's graphic novel by Raymond Briggs, which takes place in the same universe.
{{quote|'''Father Christmas:''' {{spoiler|Glad you could make it again! The party, I mean, not the snowman.}}}}
* The classic ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' short "[[What's Opera, Doc?]]" is mostly a goofy parody of opera tropes combined with [[Bugs Bunny]]'s typical slapstick and [[Attractive Bent Gender]] gags. {{spoiler|Then Elmer kills him. Bugs does revive long enough to deliver the last line though:}}
{{quote|"Well what did ya expect in an opera — a happy ending?"}}
* The infamous (within its fandom, at least) "Holly Jolly Secrets" [[Christmas Special]] of ''[[Adventure Time]]''. It is about the heroes Finn and Jake watching a bunch of videotapes made by their arch-enemy and [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]], the Ice King. The whole time, Finn and Jake continue because they believe the Ice King has hidden "evil secrets" in the tapes. Once the Ice King finds out that they are watching his tapes, he tries to stop them, but fails to prevent them from putting the last tape in their VCR. At that point all he can do is watch in horror as {{spoiler|Finn and Jake discover that ''he used to wear glasses,'' but more importantly that he used to be a normal human being who was driven insane and transformed by a supernatural artifact that he'd bought. They watch the young Ice King lose his mind}}. Before this, the Ice King had almost always been a funny character, and plenty of things that were [[Played for Laughs]] in the past [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|were made tragic by this revelation.]] The writers seem to understand this and have given the character a break so far. Or possibly they don't know what to do with him. In addition, the other tapes before the last one are usually the Ice King saying or doing hilarious things, but some of them show him sitting around his house, crying, although that still seems to be [[Played for Laughs]].
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