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* Jorj X. Mc Kie and probably everyone at the Bureau of Sabotage in [[Con Sentiency]].
* Several of Lord Vetinari's "dark clerks" in the [[Discworld]] are Assassin's Guild-trained. How much actual clerical work they do seems to depend on the assignment...
** Inigo Skimmer in ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'' is one of them, a small man with a way of nervously clearing his throat and an expert on [[UberwaldÜberwald]] politics, who, left alone with a group of bandits, killed seven before the rest fled.
** A.E. Pessimal from [[Discworld/Thud|Thud!]] deserves at least honorary mention, notable for attacking a troll (which are made of ''rock'') with his teeth.
** Even the regular clerks get a touch of this at the end of ''[[Discworld/Going Postal|Going Postal]]'', where the description of the clerks auditing {{spoiler|Reacher Gilt}}'s finances makes forensic accountancy sound like an inexorable, inescapable force of Truth.
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** Not to mention Lars' [[The Determinator|painstakingly arduous]] auditing of the executive's doctored [[Mega Corp|consolidated]] financial statements that uncovered a complex money laundering scheme and connections to a few murders that ultimately [[Villainous Breakdown|took Brakkis down]]. And Lars [[Thicker Than Water|only did that]] just to [[Papa Wolf|bring]] his son [[My God, What Have I Done?|closure]].
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', Vanamonde von Mekkahn looks like a young loafer who does nothing but laze around and drink coffee all day. In reality, Vanamonde secretly runs the town of Mechanicsburg from his seat in the coffee shop, can rally the people of the town into highly effective guerrilla fighters against the Wulfenbach army in a matter of hours, and will utterly mess you up if you ''dare'' threaten a member of the Heterodyne family.
** By necessity, Baron Wulfenbach had to become this. With the world falling apart, and everyone and their army ready to tear it ''further'' apart, Klaus did the only thing he could do; take over the world and force people to stop fighting by basically saying "Do '''NOT''' make me come over there." [[And It Worked]]. And he's miserable for it, because now he lives out his days playing the much-hated game of bureaucracy.
*** Boris Dolokhov serves as the Baron's personal secretary and administrative second-in-command. He personally organised the forces of the empire in the face of continent-wide rebellions while the Baron is incapacitated, and when faced with the mutiny of the Jagers he beats the location of the generals out of their messenger so that he can discuss the matter with them.
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* Betty Carp, an attractive immigrant filled this position at the OSS and earned praises from various formidable spymasters.
* [ Felix Vasquez] your typical [[Salaryman]], a Housing Authority Supervisor for the city of New York to be exact, who received a call that one of the buildings that he oversaw was on fire. After calling the fire department, he then ran to the burning apartment building, beating emergency services, and saw a woman who was waving her baby out of a window. When he told her [[Tempting Fate|not to throw the baby]], the woman [[Too Dumb to Live|misunderstood]] and threw her baby out of the window. Having only seconds to spare, Felix [[Took a Level Inin Badass|hopped a freaking fence]] and caught the baby, saving its life. If that's not a badass bureaucrat move, then nothing is.
* [[Dwight D. Eisenhower]]. Stuck in a training post for [[World War OneI]], he never saw action leading men in combat and did not hold an indepedent command higher than a battalion before the [[World War II]]. His appointment as Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force was considered a maverick act. He turned out to be one of the most able general officers the United States has ever sent to war, at least partially because the sheer size of the Allied Expeditionary Force required someone whose skills were not those of your typical combat general.
* Eisenhower's boss, George C. Marshall. Marshall more than any other man was the architect and builder of the United States Army that fought World War II, and as such its ultimate success in Europe and the Pacific was largely his doing. Winston Churchill called him the "organizer of victory". After the war he moved into diplomacy, where he was responsible for the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe in the late 40s and early 50s.
* [[Joseph Stalin]]. Whatever else you might think of him, he was a bank robber and a revolutionary, and a far more charismatic and intelligent one than his most famous sources portray him as. He used bureaucracy as a springboard to establishing a personal dictatorship and in turn to annexing most of Eastern Europe and turned Russia from the least of the Great Powers into one of Earth's only two superpowers. It's only that pesky stuff like [[Complete Monster|repression and mass murder]] that stops him being the villainous poster boy of this trope.
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