Red vs. Blue/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{spoiler|At the end of ''Recreation'', he was shot by Washington. However, since he mentioned leaving copies of himself at the base, he is unlikely to be "dead".}}
=== Lopezisms (Associated Tropes): ===
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]
* [[Butt Monkey]] Since his teammates can't fully understand what he says, they tend to treat him poorly.
* [[Conflicting Loyalties]] Zigzagged big time, many times. He started out loyal to the Red team, especially Sarge. He is later taken by the Blues, but tried to get back to the Reds who mistakenly tried to kill him, forcing him to abandon them for the Blues. He later defects with Sheila to form his own robot army, but is later taken away by Doc/O'Malley who forces him to work on his Doomsday devices and such until much later when the Reds steal him back. From that point on, he stays in Blood Gulch until one day he strangles Sister and leaves (she survived). He reunites with the Reds in Valhalla, but gets shot by Washington and left for dead. Later, Doc and Donut take over and use his disabled body as a scarecrow until he is brought to Crash Site Bravo by Donut and Doc on Chorus. There, he is taken by the Reds to work with Dos.O on their machines and weapons, but by then he no longer cared one way or another. Eventually, Dos.O defects and even Lopez turns on him, but his body is once again disabled in the battle and he's thrown in the trash by the Federal Army of Chorus until Sarge, Donut, and Washington reactivate him and he rejoins the group.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Has understandably evolved into this, especially in the ''Recollections'' trilogy, after chafing under the frankly insane leadership of Sarge and later O'Malley.
* [[A Father to His Men]]: Viewed Sarge as this early on, both figuratively and (since Sarge built him) literally. This faded once he realized what an idiot Sarge is.
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** The translation was, in all probability, ''[[Stylistic Suck|meant]]'' to be awful. Considering that [[Rooster Teeth]] is based in Texas and two members of the team are Hispanic or at least have Hispanic names (Jason Saldaña and Gustavo Sorola), I'm pretty sure they could've found ''someone'' to translate properly.
** Besides, he was programed by Sarge
* [[Mr. Exposition]] For someone nobody understands, he tends to figure things out for the others, long before they do. He tries to warn them, but usually they insult him when he does so he stops caring.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Or probably would be, if anyone could understand all his threats and plottings. He did, after all, work for the [[Big Bad]] of one season for quite awhile.
* [[Running Gag]] He speaks only Spanish, can understand anything everyone else says, but nobody understands him. There's also his tendency to get his head blown off and losing his body.
* [[Robo Speak]]: Always speaks in a flat, mechanical voice. In Spanish. Made even funnier by the fact his actual Spanish dialogue is largely nonsense (see above).
* [[The Smart Guy]]: The other Smart Guy of Red Team. Also [[The Big Guy]].
* [[We Have Reserves]]: At least according to him he has many copies of his mind and goes through several bodies.
== Blue Team ==