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(→‎Web Original: Interview with Malok in Cracked)
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* The Yilani of [[Harry Harrison]]'s ''[[West of Eden]]'' series are a race of humanoid reptilians that evolved on an Earth where the dinosaurs never died out. The first book spends much of it's first portion with them and we get a very detailed look at their world. They are semi-aquatic (they are related to seagoing lizards), have a matriarchal society thanks largely to their borderline [[Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism]], and have mastered biotechnology on a staggering scale; their cities are literally alive. Oh, and once the humans enter the picture in a significant way, they immediately become the [[Card-Carrying Villain|Card Carrying Villains]] of the book because [[Humans Are Special]] are [[Most Writers Are Human|awesome]] and reptiles... [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|well duh]]. It's awkward.
* [[Poul Anderson]]'s Merseians, although usually at odds with humanity, are a more nuanced portrayal (and have a culture [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|based off of the Sassanid Empire]]).
* In the [[RCN Series]] novel ''Some Golden Harbor'', occasionally [[Sssssnaketalk]]ing alien Fallert is on Daniel and Adele's side—and [[Interspecies Romance|very taken with]] [[Psycho Sidekick|Tovera]]. This [[Squick]]s Daniel something fierce, but his [[Battle Butler|servant]] [[Sociopathic Hero|Hogg]] gets along just fine with Fallert.
{{quote|"Mistress-s-s?" Fallert said. "Do you mean that if you became drunk, you would not be able to kill?"
"Not that," said Tovera, still smiling. "I might forget to stop, though."
She laughed, and Fallert laughed, and Hogg laughed so hard that some of his big mouthful of wine squirted out his nostrils.}}