Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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*[[Game Breaker]]: Not only does Playmaker's Storm Access give him the card he needs to win a duel but after the duel, he can re-create the card in real life, essentially making his deck stronger the more times he uses Storm Access. It's essentially a better version of Shining draw from ZEXAL, you just have to survive a Data storm and have less than 1000 LP to use it. The only reasonable balancing factor is that there still is an Extra Deck limit preventing him from carrying everything he has created with Storm Access into a Duel.
*[[Harsher in Hindsight]]:"Take a step forward and try!" The theme of not being intimidated and giving up when things seem too complicated can be painful to hear after the massive fanbase outcry when Link summoning and changes to the rules of the game that was set in stone for decades was introduced, easily eclipsing the original vocal complaints Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum got combined. More than a few prolific YugiTubers ended up swearing off the card game as a result. In other words, instead of taking a step forward and trying it out, several of them ended up quitting at how overly complicated Link summoning was and how it single-handedly seemed to Nerf the other Extra Deck summoning types. The exact opposite of what the show was trying to promote!
*[[Ho Yay]]:Happens very, very rarely for a Yu-Gi-Oh! series
**Go's strong friendship with Makoto is what drove him to risk everything fighting Dr. Genome.
**Yusaku is incredibly attached to the mysterious person who gave him courage during the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project, wishing to find them for 10 years by now. If that person turns out to be male, then it has the potential to be one of the best examples in the franchise.
** In episode 27, [[Hero Worshipper|Naoki's]] fantasies Playmaker are interestingto say the least.Most likely just PlayedForLaughs.
** Yusaku is incredibly attached to the mysterious person who gave him courage during the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project, wishing to find him/her ''for 10 years'' by now. If that person turns out to be male, than it has the potential to be one of the best examples in the franchise.
*[[Informed Flaw]]:Both of Storm Access' limitations, having 1000 LP or less and requiring to dive into dangerous data storms. The first is a downplayed example since it would be an actual limit in real life (how much of a limit is still debatable), but in a show where the main characters is always brought on the verge of defeat by an opponent he doesn't curb-stomp, it's guaranteed to be always met. The other one, however, is a straight example, since the data storm look life-threathening in the first duel, but become a formality after that.
*[[Lost in Medias Res]]:: Some viewers find the series confusing and difficult to follow. Both because nobody outright explains how speed duels or Link summoning works, and because it's clear that the audience knows far less about the plot than the main character does.
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*[[Narm]]Any viewers who is remotely familiar with UsefulNotes/[[Vietnam]]might have a hard time taking the name Knight of Hanoi seriously it is the same name of the country's capital city Hanoi
*[[Older Than They Think]]: While Speed Duels were popularized by Duel Links, they were originally made for the Duel Terminal arcade machines.
*[[TheRescued from the Scrappy Heap]]:Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Naoki Shima was initially the series' resident Scrappy, for being a gonkish annoying character that constantly trying to talk a big game, and mocking Yusaku for his older duel disk and for playing a casual LIGHT deck, which is actually a decoy from his real deck. Although the events of Episode 27 mitigates this, giving him [[Character Development]] by conquering his fear and going into VRAINS, even beating a Knight of Hanoi.
*[[Tainted by the Preview]]:With Shin Yoshida being the head writer of the show has sparkled reaction to some fans given that he is horrible at writing female characters.
*[[Uncanny Valley]]: Revolver's character design give him ''yellow'' eyes that pupils, landing him right into this trope. TropesAreNotBad, however, as it allows him to more unsettling.
*[[The Woobie]]: Ignis/Eye. The poor just can't catch a break through got hunted by the Knight of Hanoi and being treated incredibly poorly by Yusaku despite just saving his life just a few moment before.