World War II/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** Figures that any 20th century soldier that carries a broadsword into combat. And then justifies it by saying, "Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed." Is going to have a career filled with Crowning Moments of Awesome.
** He's also the ONLY soldier in [[World War 2|WW2]] to have killed someone with a longbow successfully.
*** Not the only one, Danish nobleman, English Commando and first-class [[Badass|Bad Ass]], Anders Lassen was (in)famous for his skill of using the hunting bow and knife to kill both the Germans and Italians silently. He's either the highest decorated or amongst the highest decorated or amongst the highest decorated foreigner EVER in the English service, definitely in WW2. - And also the only SBS member to get the Victoria Cross. Just in contrast of both the Danes and other heroes in WWII, Andres Lassen apparently enjoys the war and killing, he's very much like his [[Like Father, Like Son|Viking forefathers]] in a [[Blood Knight]] and [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]] way. To top it all off, Anders never seems to have settle down for the quiet life, since he was killed in action on April 9, 1945; taking on three German machine gun nests while doing this and winning the VC posthumously (Ironically, the day was the fifth anniversary of the Nazi occupation in Denmark). If one reads the Danish The Other Wiki, which has an article on him here: The English one is just tiny.
* In WWII, to some soldiers being vivisected couldn't stop them. There's a story about a soldier whose stomach was cut open thanks to an explosion! Did he give up? No, he tied himself to a tree, just to keep himself upright, kept on firing until he ran of ammo, and before he died of his injuries.
* Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz in the Pacific. Just because of his role, he gets an aircraft carrier class named after him. Though this isn't the only thing named after him.
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* Hideki Tojo, combined a Crowning Moment of Awesome, [[Go Out with a Smile]], [[The Atoner]], and [[Redemption Equals Death]] with his final words from the gallows. He accepted responsibility for his crimes fully, apologized for everything, begged the Americans to be merciful to the Japanese people, and then, according to some witnesses (Though accounts vary), ''he threw himself from the gallows to get it over with''.
* In the Battle of Britain has a particular CMOA - Flight Lieutenant John Nicolson was flying a Hawker Hurricane when he was shot by German fighters, that set his aircraft on fire and cause Lt. Nicolson to get bad burns. When he was climbing out, he saw a BF 110 in front and return back in, shot the German plane down, then bailed out, sustaining further injuries when Local Defense Volunteers mistakenly assume he was German. The Flight Lieutenant survived and recovered, just to win two Victoria Crosses, being one of the Commonwealth fighter pilots to win it.
* As was detailed in the ''[[Band of Brothers]]'' book, the Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Regiment was [[Made of Win]]. During D-Day, (then) First Lt. Richard Winters and twelve Easy Company men capture an artillery battery, despite only having command of the company for less than a day (The Company CO's plane went down before they can jump). They killed 15 Germans, wounded approximately a dozen, and defeated fifty soldiers at least. The Easy Company only had two casualties. When asked to describe the mission to a military historian, Winters just said, "Well, Sir, we set up a base of fire, moved under it, and took the first gun, then repeated that plan for the second, third, and fourth gun."
* As was detailed in the ''[[Band of Brothers]]'' book, the Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Regiment .
** In the Brécourt Manor Assult, Winters got hold of a map which tells all of the enemy positions and guns in Normandy. Nearly everyone who participated was awarded. Winters, for leading the assault, was given the Distinguished Service Cross award (2nd only to the Medal of Honor). He was even nominated for the MoH, but there's a only one person per division would be awarded with it. Instead, the Medal of Honor was given to Lt. Col. Cole who died while leading the bayonet charge.
** Actually, Lt. Col. Cole survived the charge. So many men were being killed by Germans in the roadway, hitting them on the side that he ordered the men to fix bayonets and leapt over first with a pistol in hand. [[Badass]]. Sadly, in Operation Market Garden, Cole was killed by a sniper.
** Charging Carentan,
** Then-Captain Winters also led an assault against the German forces that were on the crossroads during Market Garden.
** During the Battle of the Bulge,
*** In one episode of the HBO series,
**** According to most eyewitness accounts, Spiers was credited also with taking the fourth gun emplacement all by himself on D-Day.
* During the Battle of Britian, there's one particular CMOA - Flight Lieutenant John Nicolson