Teen Genius: Difference between revisions

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* [[Benjamin Franklin]].
* In the [[The Philippines|Philippines]], there are high schools specifically designed for geniuses in science and technology. In Metro Manila, there's one in almost every city, but there's also the Philippine Science High School, which spans nationwide. And every high school graduates in the country enter college at 16, at least until the K-12 program is implemented nationwide.
* [[Chess]] pays curiously little heed to age and there are a number of great prodigies who were facing master level opponents in their teen years.
*The other wiki gives a list of child and teen prodigies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_child_prodigies
* In any event any given adult genius will almost certainly have been pretty bright as a teenager if not necessarily a genius. They did not after all suddenly get a burst of mutating radiation that gave them super mind powers.