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* [[Scrappy Level]] - The Isle of Evil. Features folding and moving stairs that accelerate the higher you climb; the slightest misstep sends you right to the bottom of the tower, forcing you to climb up again. Getting the timing right is... difficult. Oh, and if you leave, that's it: you can't come back. So you have to get everything done in a single trip.
* [[That One Boss]] - While ''most'' bosses can prove unpleasant if you discover too late you're unprepared, [[Flunky Boss]] [[Mad Scientist|Ewei]] is a particularly shining example. As are the Four Elemental Lords {{spoiler|(and their [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Superpowered Evil Sides]].)}}
* [[That One Sidequest]]: In terms of getting the materials for it, Gray upgrading his Falcata is no easy feat, especially the specific type of Mullock needed to complete the quest, you just need to spam Blunt Strike many times in battle (Blunt Strike does no damage and may paralyze the enemy).
* [[The Woobie]] {{spoiler|Schiele}}
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]] - Most of the characters got a new look for ''Minstrel Song''. Not all of these makeovers went over well.