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[[File:Subnautica repair tool.jpg|link=Subnautica|thumb|500px|"The Alterra Repair Tool: Get your fix."]]
A universal, mundane-looking, multi-purpose hand tool whose user can magically fix any machine or structure without raw materials or effort, simply by waving it at the target from close range. Surprisingly, it is often not much use as a weapon.
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Compare [[Green Rocks]], [[Duct Tape for Everything]] and [[Green Lantern Ring]]. For one of these that can break things instead of fixing them, see [[Swiss Army Weapon]]. Not related to [[Soul Eater|ancient artifacts of tremendous power]].
== Comics ==
* The omnicoms used by DC's ''[[Legion of Super-Heroes (comics)|Legion of Super-Heroes]]'' resemble iPhones with all manner of scanning/sensing and computing capabilities, although they actually predate the iPhone (and the cell phone, and the laptop computer) by several decades.
* ''[[Steelgrip Starkey And The All-Purpose Power Tool]]'' was centered around this trope. It's the size of a toolbox, but can be programmed to perform any task, from raising a skyscraper to clearing a polluted gulf. It runs on no visible power source, synthesizes new components and materials out of thin air, and is apparently indestructible.
== Film ==
* In ''[[Six-String Samurai]]'' all that is needed to fix a car is a ratchet, cranked a few time on the dashboard. This may have been intentional, as the rest of the movie is pretty ridiculous, too.
* All mobile phones of [[James Bond (film)|James Bond]]. [[Instant Sedation|Taser]], remote control for your car and hacking/lockpicking skill of 5000. Magic! Averted in ''[[Casino Royale]]'' and ''[[Quantum of Solace]]'', where the phones are just, well standard phones. [[Product Placement]] ensures we get a ''good long look'' at them.
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== Literature ==
* ''Mischief In Maggody'': Non-scifi example: Joan Hess played with this trope when Kevin gets a job selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. The brand he's selling apparently does everything from regular vacuuming to leafblowing to paint-stripping to ''scaling fish''. Heaven help whoever has to clean out the vacuum's filters and dust bag....
== Live Action Television ==
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'', the sonic screwdriver is a piece of [[Applied Phlebotinum]] that can basically fix, break, lock, unlock, or otherwise modify anything you want. The only things it specifically can't do are unlock a [[Kryptonite Factor|deadlock seal]], inflict injury or kill. [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|Unless you're a Cyberman]]. Oh, and it doesn't work on wood. And it's vulnerable to hair dryers. And you can't triplicate the flammability of alcohol either.<ref>Though technically you can't do ''anything'' that doesn't actually mean anything.</ref> It may not be able to inflict injury, but if you're dumb enough to let him near the sound system it can sure as ''hell'' [[Loud of War|hurt your ears]]. Oh, and one time, it was used to ''drive a screw''.
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== Tabletop games ==
* Although not strictly a tool [ prestidigitation] has the most functions of any single spell.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Starsiege: Tribes]]'': The Repair Backpack. Point it at a friend, hold down the trigger, and watch a red laser thingy heal him back up to health. Turn around and use the same laser thingy to repair a crushed generator to perfect condition. You can also used it to repair ''enemy'' equipment and players.
* ''[[Warcraft]]''
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* In ''[[Gadget Trial]]'', Izen medics use a ''giant syringe'' to heal/repair all other E-series. Which means from other Izens (infantry units), to ''battleships'' and ''bombers''.
* ''[[Desert Strike]]'' features "Armor Repair" Toolboxes scattered about each level, pick one up and it inexplicably repairs your chopper to full strength.
* In the ''[[GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)|Golden Eye 1997007]]'' game, a watch is used for everything, including a cutting torch, a deadly laser, to receive communications, the pause and inventory menu...
* ''[[Subnautica]]'' has its Repair Tool, which fixes almost anything broken in the game, as long as it hasn't been reduced to shattered and scattered parts, by realigning its component atoms into the structure they should be in.
== Web Comics ==
* The proposed [ Utility Fog] {{spoiler|Hob is [[All There in the Manual|made from]] }}in ''[[Dresden Codak]]''.
== Web Original ==
* ''[[Whateley Universe]]'': At the [[Super-Hero School]] Whateley Academy, Compiler has the power to control and animate nanites within five feet of herself. She has a nanotech Magic Tool that she even calls a [[Shout-Out|'sonic screwdriver']]. We've seen it transform into a magic marker complete with working ink. It's nothing ''but'' nanites, so it doesn't work if it's not close to her.
== Western Animation ==
* Penny's "book" in ''[[Inspector Gadget]]'' seems to be a complete electronic warfare system packed into a notebook computer.
* Leela's "thing on my wrist" in ''[[Futurama]]''.