Super Weight: Difference between revisions

Undo revision 1594767 by Looney Toons (talk)
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(Undo revision 1594767 by Looney Toons (talk))
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| '''''Weight Class''''' || '''Description''' || '''Example Traits and Abilities'''
| '''Muggle Tier''' || ||
| '''{{color|red| Fragile Weight: -1}}''' || Can't do things [[Muggles]] take for granted, have next to no combat ability and may even die if left alone for too long. These characters may rely extensively on luck, outside help or constant vigilance (assuming they aren't [[The Millstone|a burden]] in the first place). Note that merely being [[The Load]] or [[The Chew Toy|dying often]] doesn't put you in this weight, nor does being [[Damsel Scrappy|annoyingly dependent]]. This weight is for characters that are physically (or mentally) undeveloped/handicapped and ''cannot'' do what the average ''adult'' human can do. || [[Mouse World]], [[Tagalong Kid]], [[Ill Girl]], [[Made of Plasticine]]
| '''{{color|Orange| Muggle Weight: 0}}''' || These characters are not significantly stronger or weaker than normal for a human, and tend to be [[Innocent Bystander]]s and (you guessed it) [[Muggle]]s. Though not necessarily humans, they should be close to normal people in ability. || [[Action Survivor]], [[Innocent Bystander]], [[Unfazed Everyman]], [[Non-Action Guy|Non Action Guys]]
| '''{{color|gold|Iron Weight: 1}}''' || These characters are [[Made of Iron]] [[Badass Normal]]s who can push the upper limits of what a human is capable of. They may have gotten [[Training from Hell]], be [[Artificial Limbs|(low grade) cyborgs]], or are experts at [[This Index Knows Kung Fu|martial arts]], [[Good Old Fisticuffs]], [[Gun Kata]], [[Le Parkour]], [[Improbable Weapon User|Improbable Weapon Usage]] and the like. Basically, a character anyone could become, bar the setting. However, do note that [[Red Shirts]] typically go here, as most of them are trained [[Mooks]] that make the danger more palpable by showing the fate of non-protagonists. This weight is also for any natural wildlife that could take down an unarmed human single-handedly. || [[Badass Normal]], [[Action Hero]]
| '''Super Tier''' || ||
| '''{{color|chartreuse|Abnormal Weight: 2}}''' || Characters in this weight have gained an ability, trait, or talent that is supernatural or superhuman, but are otherwise (comparable to) human(s). However, their abilities are generally [[This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman|very specific]] and [[Crippling Overspecialization|limited]] and [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|may be useless in some situations]], rendering the characters just as helpless as normal un-powered humans. With few exceptions, characters of this type lack the [[Required Secondary Powers]] to optimize or protect themselves from their own powers. Perhaps their only powers are to cancel [[Anti-Magic|other]] [[Power Nullifier|powers]]. Most of the time, their ability [[Muggles Do It Better|is something we can mimic or even surpass]] using common science or low-grade [[Cyborg|cybernetics]]. Muggles and Irons that are [[Beast Man|Beast Men]] or [[Cyborg]]s may also end up here. || [[Transhuman]], [[Beast Man]], [[Anti-Magic]] / [[Power Nullifier]]
| '''{{color|green|Super Weight: 3}}''' || Characters in this weight are no longer normal humans. Their powers, even if they are limited, can be used in a variety of ways. They also have [[Required Secondary Powers]] when they are necessary. Their abilities may be due to using [[Functional Magic]] or having [[Stock Super Powers]]. Most of your run-of-the-mill [[Superhero|Super Heroes]], [[Shounen]] characters, and [[Squishy Wizard|Mages]] will likely start here, possibly being [[Shonen Upgrade|pushed higher as]] [[Long Runner|they continue their adventures.]] || [[Magic and Powers]]
| '''{{color|springgreen|Hyper Weight: 4}}''' || These characters have abilities that can typically [[Person of Mass Destruction|cause]], stop, or even reverse large scale disasters, or have a [[Reality Warper|reality warping]] power with few limitations. A protagonist of this weight or higher risks becoming a [[God Mode Sue]], because their abilities tend to be [[Story-Breaker Power|story breaking]], making it difficult to give them a [[How to Stop the Deus Ex Machina|plausible challenge.]] That said, a protagonist at this weight can have engaging adventures, the author just has to be careful to scale the [[Sorting Algorithm of Villain Threat]] accordingly. || [[Person of Mass Destruction]]
| '''Cosmic Tier''' || ||
| '''{{color|cyan|World Weight: 5}}''' || These characters have abilities that can affect an entire world, either [[World-Healing Wave|positively]] or [[World-Wrecking Wave|negatively]], or may even be a [[Mother Nature|manifestation of a planet]], [[Gaia's Vengeance|with all that implies]]. [[Reality Warper]]s that are powerful enough to create separate worlds / planes of existence (that are difficult to destroy) also go here. Many a [[Big Bad]] ends up here, especially if they're [[Omnicidal Maniac|omnicidal maniacs]], though you'll also find their opposite in [[The Messiah]]. || [[World-Wrecking Wave]], [[World-Healing Wave]], [[Physical God]]
| '''{{color|#007FFF|Cosmic Weight: 6}}''' || Characters that are ''this'' powerful aren't so much characters as forces of nature, wielding power beyond observable human science. As a kind of [[Cosmic Entity]], they may be a [[Reality Warper]] with [[Reset Button]] abilites, [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] on a cosmic scale, [[Celestial Body]], or [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]. These characters often go about their business in the universe, [[Above Good and Evil|unaffected by]] [[All Powerful Bystander|traditional conflicts.]] For better [[Cosmic Horror Story|or worse]]. || [[Cosmic Entity]], [[Sentient Cosmic Force]]
| '''{{color|blue|Author Weight: 7}}''' || Characters at this weight are absolutely [[The Omnipotent|Omnipotent]] and likely [[The Omniscient|Omniscient]]. They are capable of [[Reality Maker|exerting their will on all of reality]] and the entire universe ([[The Multiverse|multiverse?]]) or [[Deus Ex Machina|even the plot itself]] without exception. [[Because Destiny Says So|Destiny]]/[[You Can't Fight Fate|Fate]] is their play-thing. They cannot be killed/destroyed by any means, and can only be defeated by someone of the same weight. Any limits they have are self-imposed. While this weight is almost always reserved for (capital 'G') [[God]] and the Author, characters ''can'' be written for at this level. Just don't expect it to be a normal story. || [[The Omnipotent]], [[God]]