Colin McRae Rally: Difference between revisions

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* [[Limited Sound Effects]] : The first two games were pretty big offenders, featuring very little non-vehicular sound effects. ''2.0 barely had any environmental sounds at all !'' [[Growing the Beard|It got better]] from ''3'' onwards and ''04'' and ''2005'' had much more lively sounding environments.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters|Loads And Loads Of]] [[Cool Car|Cool Cars]]
* [[Motor Mouth]] : [[Justified Trope|The co-drivers.]] ToTheir [[Tropers/Zemplin Templar|this troper]], their rapidfirerapid-fire reading of a stage's pacenotes often borders on [[Narm Charm]]. Among the first two games' many [[Silliness Switch|hilarious cheat codes]] was one [[Crowning Moment of Funny|that turned the co-driver's voice into an over-the-top opera tenor voice]].
* [[Nintendo Hard]] : The first two games are especially notorious for this, but the entire series is pretty challenging.
* [[Nostalgia Level]] / [[Remixed Level]] / [[Continuity Nod]] : [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Some of the most visually interesting or popular rally stages feature in nearly every game.]] A lot of them help to clearly show the [[Art Evolution]] that the series went through over the years...
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[[Category:Play StationPlayStation]]
[[Category:Simulation Game]]
[[Category:Play StationPlayStation 2]]
[[Category:Racing Game]]
[[Category:Colin McRae Rally]]