Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|(Type IV --> Type V)]] or [[Villain Protagonist]]: [[Depending on the Writer]].
* [[Attention Whore]]
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Haughty]]}}: {{spoiler|In[[Played thefor movieDrama]] in [[The Movie]], when it shows that all of his failures have taken their toll on his self-esteem, and Edd abandoning him for a few moments was the last straw before he breaks down and admits that he is a suck-up loser, and then there's his meeting [[Tear Jerker|with his brother]]...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Bird]]}}: {{spoiler|'''[[Domestic Abuse|HOLY]]'''. '''[[All of the Other Reindeer|SHIT]]'''.}}
* [[Cartoon Juggling]]: He juggles a variety of items that Ed throws at him, from chairs to Double D, in order to entertain Sarah while babysitting. [[Amusing Injuries|It goes fairly well until Ed throws him a cactus]].
* [[Character Tic]]: Whenever Eddy gets annoyed, disgusted, or just plain bored, [[Big Ol' Unibrow|his eyebrows connect]].
* [[The Chew Toy]]
* [[Disco Dan]]: His room looks like it never left the 1970s.
* [[Embarrassing Middle Name]]: "Skipper", according to the episode "Your Ed Here".
* [[Fat Idiot]]: Subverted. Eddy is noticeably the chubbiest character in the series, and he tends to fail at school...[[Brilliant but Lazy|but that's due to laziness rather than actual stupidity, since Eddy is shown to be quite clever at times]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: [[Big Brother Bully|His brother]] pretty much made him into who he is.
* [[Failure Hero]]
* {{spoiler|[[Freudian Excuse]]}}: {{spoiler|Made explicit in the movie. His older brother is a ''PSYCHO''.}}
* [[Greed]]: A trait that often causes Eddy to drag his friends into big trouble.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Most certainly due to his brother.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: In the film.
* [[The Hero]]
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]}}: And how!
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]
* {{spoiler|[[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]}}: He seems to be ridiculously overconfident, but [[The Movie]] shows this is all a mask to cover up a severe case of self-loathing.
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Among the Eds, he doesn't stack up with Ed's strength and endurance or Double D's intellect, but he's in-between the two in these traits as well as a ([[Ambiguous Disorder|technically speaking]]) more stable personality.
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He's one [[Hidden Heart of Gold|deep down]]. {{spoiler|UntilIn [[The Movie]], which thishe turns out to behave a...}}
** {{spoiler|[[Jerkass Facade]]}}: {{spoiler|The guy admits he only pretended to be a jerk because he thought it was cool imitating his brother}}.
* [[Lovable Rogue]]: Pre-[[Flanderization]] at least.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Like Ed, Eddy's been known to survive a ton of damage and beatings, only to get back up again. Although unlike Ed, he doesn't enjoy the pain too much to say, but can still take a lot of it. And it took a lot of damage, more than any regular human could take, to knock him out in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ed".
** Justified since {{spoiler|he got repeatedly beaten up by his brother at an early age, so it's one of the side-effects from it.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: In "All Eds Are Off".
* [[The McCoy]]
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* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Manly Man to Double D's Sensitive Guy. (One of two)
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: He's committed all seven of these at least once.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: {{spoiler|Deconstructed in [[The Movie]], where he is much more of a...}}
** {{spoiler|[[Jaded Washout]]}}: {{spoiler|He's perfectly aware that he's a hated, unrespected, pathetic excuse of a [[Schemer]] and he doesn't take it very well,. [[Stepford Smiler|not atAT allALL]].}}
* [[Smug Snake]]
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}: {{spoiler|A '''huge''' Type A. He seems confident and manly, but it's shown that it's was all a [[Beneath the Mask|mask]] to hide the inferiority complex he got from his brother's abuse. A [[Beneath the Mask|mask]] he made in naive belief that he would be popular if he acted like he did.}}
* [[Tasty Gold]]: Eddy bites into a quarter he gets from Kevin. He gets splinters on his tongue.
{{quote|'''Eddy:''' Your wooden money's no good here, Pecos Kev!}}
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* [[Tongue-Tied]]: Eddy is literally this when he's around Nazz.
{{quote|'''Kevin:''' What's the matter, dork? Can't talk to girls?}}
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Eddy over time, {{spoiler|but [[Took a Level in Kindness|reversed]] in [[The Movie]].}}
* [[Triple Nipple]]: Eddy claims that Ed has three nipples (like that guy from [[The Man with the Golden Gun|James Bond]]) to prevent Nazz from discovering that they are naked in her pool.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[The Voiceless]]: He becomes this in "Button Yer Ed", when a fly gets lodged in his throat, only allowing him to make wheezing, squeaky noises.
* [[Young Entrepreneur]]: Tries very hard to be this in order to get jawbreakers. {{spoiler|However, each failure brings him closer and closer to the [[Despair Event Horizon]] until Edd leaves him and epically [[Break the Haughty|snaps]]. Then [[Domestic Abuser|his brother]] [[Knight of Cerebus|shows up]] [[From Bad to Worse|and everything goes to hell from there]]}}.