Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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** Also, after "Fistful," the Kankers used new non-forceful ways to impress the Eds.
* Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Ed compares himself to Eddy's brother and claims the two to be "so alike," to which Eddy dismissively replies, "Yeah, right." At first, it seemed like Eddy was saying Ed just simply wasn't cool enough to be compared to his brother. But then we learn what his brother was really like, meaning Eddy was actually COMPLIMENTING Ed.
** In fact, it could be argued this scene subtly sets up a [[Not So Similar]] situation between Ed and Eddy's Brother. While both have superficially many things in common, [[Foil|but they actually couldn't be more different]].
* The series was originally planned to end with the revelation (at the end of Season 4) that the entire show was the reminiscences of three old men. There was an early series of Season 1 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_JapK1zN7A promos] presented in a "remember that time when" format--just as if an old man were recalling all the events.
* All three Eds possess an ability that each other wants. Now stay with me, it is evident that they show a trait that would more or less benefit the other. Edd can make more or less amicable relationships with people who'd otherwise antagonize or treat him indifferently; as best shown with Kevin, Sarah, Jimmy, and even the Kanker Sisters, which is the kind of skill Eddy wished he had. Eddy is shown to be resourceful enough to make his more wilder concepts and imaginations (mostly in the form of his scams) come to reality, which is certainly something Ed would want. Ed has raw physical strength and durability, which is the kind of power that Double D wishes he had.
* While all three Eds are [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] and [[True Companions]], it's Ed and Edd who are shown to be closer to each other than either of them is with Eddy. Given the fact neither of them has a brother, they naturally gravitate towards one another. Also, take into account Ed's mother [[Abusive Parents|isn't a good mother by any stretch of the definition]], and Edd is the Eds' [[Team Mom]], so Ed may have latched onto Edd as a [[Parental Substitute]].
* In [[The Movie]], it seems weird that, even though Ed participated in the quicksand prank, Edd only gave him a brief [[Death Glare]] while Eddy took all the blame. However, apart from knowing Ed is too naive to be purposefully cruel, Ed has proven in many occassions to be a loyal and caring friend to him, which explains why he didn't get nearly as angry to him.
** This moment casts a very different light about Edd's anger: he got angry not because of the prank itself, but because the pranks reminded him of how much of an awful friend Eddy was to both him and Ed, and his calling out Eddy exclusively is not just because of what he did to him, but also because he frequently influenced Ed into going along with his pranks.
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** Which makes his first [[Heel Realization]] all the more meaningful. Edd leaving him over this treatment was a wake-up call, and his [[Manly Tears|breakdown]] isn't just because of his friends leaving due to his awful actions, it's him actually confronting the horrible, horrible truth about his relationship with his brother.
* Eddy's bullying of Jimmy starts making sense once seen [[The Movie]]. Jimmy is frequently thought by Eddy as a coward, a crybaby and a doormat. When you see Eddy being mistreated by his brother, Eddy acts very much the same way. In short, Jimmy is the walking reminder of Eddy's self-hatred. In fact, this serves as a factor in his mentoring of Jimmy in "Ed In a Halfshell", which very much gives more than enough hints of Eddy's relationship with his brother prior to [[The Movie]].
* In [[The Movie]], the ''[[Wizard of Oz]]'' reference seems to be a one-shot gag at first, but at the climax, it turns out those things are the keys they needed to be accepted, since they solve the problems the kids had with the Eds to begin with. Think about it: [[Extreme Doormat|Edd]] first caught the kids' sympathy [[Took a Level in Badass|by standing up to Eddy's Brother]]. Then [[The Ditz|Ed]] follows suit by [[Awesomeness byBy Analysis|using Newton's Third Law to knock him out]]. Finally, [[Jerkass|Eddy]] [[Broken Tears|cries and apologizes for everything he did]], and his heart is what gains the kids' full-blown acceptance.
** Related to the above, what was the thing that made them find those missing items? [[The Power of Friendship|Their friendship]]. Ed found his brain after seeing his best friends being hurt, Edd found courage upon witnessing Eddy being beaten up, and Eddy's heart was unlocked over nearly losing his best friends.
* Many found weird Ed merely using a door and Newton's Third Law to defeat Eddy's Brother, given his [[Super Strength]]. But remember that the last time Ed went medieval on someone, he nearly killed Plank. He was trying to prove he's ''nothing'' like Eddy's Brother, and so [[Tranquil Fury|channeled his rage to keep himself rational while still delivering him his just desserts]].
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