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* [[Black Shirt]]: Many of Atlantis's elite warriors tend to veer into this on account of most of their staff being hateful, xenophobic assholes who despise airbreather culture and the surface born kingly hero who descends from it. More often than not whenever there's a [[Democracy Is Bad|sudden regime change that threatens the whole world]], many such naval teams such as '''The Drift'''. The elite forces of the Atlantean Royal Fleet in the ''New 52/Rebirth'', often side with the latest harebrained scheme of the [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|current idiot]] said moronic populace of the [[Hidden Elf Village]] elected to lead them and their world straight off a cliff.
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil|Blonds]] [[Blondes Are Evil|Are Evil]]: Atlanteans believe blond hair to be a curse.
** This is played straight with Kordax (Atlanteans refer to blond hair as the "Curse of Kordax") and subverted with Atlan (Aquaman's father, [[Post-Crisis]]).
** Going further back in time, Shalako and Orin I, first princes of Tritons and Atlantis. Orin I was dark-haired, Shalako was a blonde. Orin I was a good scientist, Shalako an evil wizard. On the next generation, Dardanus, Shalako's son, was blonde and every bit as twisted as his father, Cora, Orin's daughter, was a brunette and as good natured as her parents. Furthermore, Shalako and Dardanus did everything they could to make Orin and Cora's lives miserable.
** Son'a, the kind natured mermaid queen of Tritons during [[Mc Laughlin]]'s run was forced to wear elaborate headdresses to hide her blonde hair, fearing to fall in this trope. During Atlantis' history many princes and princesses were rumored to shave their heads, dye their hair or wear headdresses for that purpose.
** Again played strait and further back in time with Gamemnae; an evil sorceress who was exiled at birth due to paranoid superstition. Eventually she really did become such and such upon her return, growing up into a [[Sorcerous Overlord]] pretending to be a helpful liberator looking to conquer the world in [[Joe Kelly]]'s run in JLA.
* [[Boomerang Bigot]]: The whole Surfacer/Atlantean conflict can be seen as one massive go around of this. As the Atlantean species were formerly human themselves before magic and their own misbegotten ways turned them all into waterbreathers. Extra points go towards [[The Neidermeyer|Urcell]] who comments about Atlanteans who undergo sea change stop being Atlantean and become undesirables simply because they adapt marine life attributes. Particularly when [[Unfit for Greatness|Korum Rath]]'s dabbling in forbidden magic turns him into an actual, factual powerhungry monster that she calls him out on [[Hypocrisy|not being human anymore]].
* [[Burn the Witch]]: A mindset that many Atlanteans grew into after the ''Day of Vengeance'' event. While adjusting to the transfer from their ruined home to Sub Diego, the battered people often turned their ire for the destruction of their home on the powerless mages who lost their magic in the aftermath.
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