Panzer Front: Difference between revisions

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''[[Panzer Front]]'' was a old PSX game released way back in 2000, It's not a particularly well known game but some of the lucky few who have played it will remember it very well. The game revolves around the Tank battles in Europe, from Kursk to the last days of Nazi Germany in 1945. And unlike most [[Dumbed Down]] Tank games these days, most of it was depicted realistically and utilized every last ounce of power the PSX had back then to produce one of the best looking games of it's time.
As the Title suggests it's [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]], this was a realistic Tank Sim where you were entrusted with the role of the Vehicle's Tank Commander, that tank could be anything from a Stuart Light Tank to a Tiger II..
This game has examples of..
* [[Artificial Stupidity]] Averted, the AI knows how and when to flank you during an attack.
* [[A God Am I]] You'll be saying this over and over as you crush M4 Shermans with your Tiger Tank, that is.. until they decide to flank you.
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[[Category:Panzer Front]]
[[Category:PagesVideo needing more categoriesGames]]