The Legend of the Overfiend: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abusive Parents]]: Niki's father is an abusive drunk who beats him, and his mother actively encourages it.
** Subverted in the manga where Niki's mother is kind to him. His father is still abusive though.
* [[Adaptational Heroism]]: Amano Jaku's manga counterpart is a sociopathic and hedonistic asshole who only cares about himself and is even proud of it and he practically never does anything heroic at all, unless it benefits him. His anime counterpart, however, is much more heroic and less sociopathic. Though he still has his jerkass moments (In the sequels to be specific).
**In the manga, Amano's sister Megumi is a manipulative, sociopathic and spiteful bitch who likes to trick men into having sex with her so she can either falsely accuse them of raping her getting them into trouble in the process, or so she can transform into her true demon form and eat them. Her anime counterpart, on the other hand, while still slutty and perverted, is much more kind and friendly and doesn't do any of the evil deeds she does in the manga.
**Kuroko is a lot less obnoxious and more friendly in the anime than his manga counterpart, though he's still a pervert.
**Suikakujyu was a thuggish and aggresive demon in the manga who only wanted revenge on Amano for tearing his arm off. In the anime, however, Suikakujyu was rewritten as an anti-villain/well-intentioned extremist who wanted to protect the demon realm by any means necessary. He was also redesigned to the point where he was a completely new character altogether.
**Niki, while he isn't a hero in either the manga or anime, was altered into a more sympathetic and tragic character than his manga counterpart.
* [[After the End]]: The series setting after the second episode.
* [[All Anime Is Naughty Tentacles]]: Due to frequently being placed in children's sections by mistake, there's a good chance this is the series that caused the trope.
