Voices of a Distant Star: Difference between revisions

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During their separation, she communicates with Noboru via email, but as the fleet travels farther from the Earth, the transmission time grows increasingly longer, until eventually Noboru must wait years for any word that Mikako is even still alive.
In addition to the short proper, a variety of adaptations and supplemental materials exist. A drama CD was released a few months later. A light novel by Waku Ooba was also published the same year. A manga illustrated by Mizu Sahara began serialisation in 2004 and was published as a compiled volume in 2005. There is also a second novel by Arata Kanoh, ''Words of Love/Across the Stars'', which was initially published in 2006 but would not get an English translation until 2019.
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* [[Foreign Language Theme]]: "Through the Years and Far Away" (performed in English by LOW aka Yuuki Mizusawa) is played during the final battle.
* [[FTL Travel]]: The UN vessels like the ''Lysithea'' are capable of FTL travel using warp engines, although they lack the FTL communications capabilities to complement it.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: Mikako may have a tender heart, but that doesn't stop her from bloodily cutting Tarsians up or [[Goomba Stomp|Goomba Stomping]] them to deliver a [[Coup De Grace]].
* [[High-Pressure Blood]]: Tarsians bleed in dramatic delayed-reaction jets of it.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: The suits deployed by the UN Navy are called Tracers.
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* [[Laser Blade]]: Energy swords are part of the Tracer's combat load-out.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: Mikako still wears her school uniform while fighting Tarsians, contrasting the expectation that pilots would be supplied with [[Latex Space Suit|plugsuits]].
* [[Long-Distance Relationship]]: Mikako and Noboru's eventually spans lightyears.
* [[Macross Missile Massacre]]: The Tracers wield missile pods as part of their load-out.
* [[Magic Skirt]]: The skirt of Mikako's school uniform stays down even in zero-g.
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: The landscapes and attention to detail are staggering; terrestrial locations within the film were designed from [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ae/Voices_Screenshots.JPG actual locations in Japan].
* [[Short Anime Movie]]: The running time of the film is 25 minutes.
* [[:Category:Shout-Out|Shout-Out:]]
** One scene has characters waiting at a railway crossing as train carriages marked "[[Super Dimension Fortress Macross|UN Spacy]]" pass.
** The planet Agartha shares a name with an older occult concept of hollow Earth.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: The Tarsians have an anatomy similar to those of starfish
* [[Subspace Ansible]]: Inverted; while UN spacecraft are capable of FTL travel, they lack FTL communications. Ironically, a newspaper near the end of the film reports that the generation of starships built ''after'' Mikako departed will have the FTL communication capability that the ships of her fleet lack.
* [[Surprisingly Good English]]: The [[Computer Voice]] of the ''Lysithea'' is voiced by a native English speaker (Donna Burke, the same actress who later provided the voice of Raising Heart in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]''), and thus her pronunciation and intonation are flawless, although the word ordering is unusual in some places.
* [[Time Dilation]]: The fleet has FTL travel, averting this trope. It merely takes an increasingly long amount of time for Mikako's messages to reach Noboru as she travels farther from Earth due to the lack of FTL communications technology; she compares it to twentieth-century air mail.
* [[Time Skip]]: The narrative skips back and forth between Mikako and Noboru, covering a period of about six months on her side and more than eight years on his.